Chapter 4 - Hogwarts

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Today is September 1st 1994. My brothers 4th year at Hogwarts. Notice how I said my brothers and not mine? Well let me give a summarised version of why that came to be.

After my 'loving brother' became known as the bwl when in actual fact it's me. James & Lily (yes I do not call them mum and dad or mother and father - they don't deserve it) began to completely ignore me. Evan loved it. He always wanted the attention and he finally got it...but not all of it you see I still had some people who loved me. Although that's not to say they didn't love me they just.....well...forgot. And I HATE them and Evan for that. But as I was saying I had some people I.E Sirius, Remus and a few friends I met along the way. Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini.

I met my friends at various places such as pureblood balls at Yule, family parties that Lily loves to throw to celebrate her darling son Evvie and in Diagon Alley/Knockturn alley. They've stuck with me in the years even when at Hogwarts. Now as to why I haven't attended my first three years: I. Didn't. Want. To.
Yep I didn't want to. So I just taught myself like I have since I was 1. Eventually though I got bored and I heard the triwizard tournament is going on this year from a close friend. Marvolo. Yes that is Tom Marvolo Riddle. But he hates the name Tom so he goes with Marvolo Slytherin. Even got it LEGALLY changed. Yeah he's not insane anymore as he restored his soul with his horcruxes well all except 1... the one in my fucking forehead. He finds it hilarious that I've got so much dark magic in my head and they still thought it was the other stupid twin who is practically a squib. Anyway he came back as Evan failed to protect the Philosophers stone.

Anyway then I tracked him down and made an alliance with him. He's not killing everyone as he now has his sanity intact although tbh I think sanity's overrated. Hahaha definitely.

So he began a strictly political war as Lord Slytherin.
Of course the Old Coot knows who he is as there are no other Slytherin descendants well unless you count me as I got it through conquest but I gave it back through Gringotts as I had quite a hefty name already.
I am Lord Peverell-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff-Emrys-Pendragon-Lefay

Turns out my mother is actually a pureblood but from a long line of squibs coming from Ravenclaw Pendragon and Lefay. I got Emrys through magic as I'm even more powerful than Merlin. My core is at its max at 1000.

Anyway I haven't seen Marvolo in 6 months. But that's not much compared to the others. I last saw my friends 1 and a half years ago. But Sirius and Remus I last saw 9 years ago when I ran away.
I ran away as they wanted to give MY magic to my brother and they were perfectly happy to do it. Especially my brother as he would get all my cool powers like being a metamorphmagus.

I miss them a lot. They used to play with me and buy me presents still unlike my parents. I yearn to see them again and tomorrow I will when I go to school.

———-skip ———-

Third POV:

As Hadrian entered the platform through the wall in Kings Cross that he apperated to (yes he knows how to he's super overpowered) he was smiling internally as he was excited. Not that he would ever let that show or tell anyone. No. So instead he tightened his Occlumency shields and walked on. As he did many heads turned feeling his powerful and intoxicating aura. Multiple jaws dropped at the sight of him. He was handsome and he knew it. Messy black curls with two heterochromia eyes. Oh me grey one green with a scar cutting through it. Even with the scar he could see perfectly as his magic healed it. Very tall (6 foot 3 inches - again I know he's only 14 but it's not unheard of) and muscular. Charming smirk on his face. Tight ripped black jeans dark green tank top and a dark green beanie. Dragon hide boots and a lip ring piercing on the right side. He just had an aura that said "You will pay me attention" that people couldn't help but be drawn to him.

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