Chapter 5 - Reunited

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Hadrians POV:

As Alister sorted me into Salazar's house I knew I belonged here. Here with my fellow snakes and friends who I now consider family. I look up at the top table that held the teachers, I ignored many of them put them I saw my former parents, James and Lily.

They didn't even recognise me.

Great parents they are. I thought sarcastically.
Anyways I continued down the line and in the centre of the table sitting in a golden chair as if Merlin himself had chosen him, was the one and only Albus Dumblewhore oops sorry Dumbledore aka the old coot.

He was the man that ruined my life by proclaiming my older twin to be the boy who lived. Because of him I was deprived of the parental affection I was entitled to. I never got any hugs from my mother, never taught how to fly by my father. Of course I still had Siri and Remy, but they couldn't be there all the time as they had lives and jobs too.

Again I'm getting off track so I moved down the table and saw a man in all black with a rather large crooked nose, onyx eyes and greasy shoulder length hair. Severus Snape. One of my favourite death eaters. You see after I made an alliance with Marvolo, he introduced me to the death eaters and told me my real name. Of course some tried to curse me at first but that stopped immediately when Marvolo and I explained what happened. To this day I still remember Bellatrix's maniacal laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spine. She was laughing as she knew the light side had no way of winning with their so called saviour.

They all agreed not to tell any of the light side about me until I was ready. Of course they don't go on random attacks anymore as it's strictly political so now we only kill murderers, rapists, and other petty criminals. Which to be honest, we should be thanked for.

Anyway my favourite death eaters go in this order:

1) Marvolo (I know he's not a death eater)
4)Barty Crouch Jr

Of course there are more but the authors too lazy to add them in (an: Oi you!)

Anyways side tracked again. Moving on to the last two people. Them. Sirius Orion Black and Remus John Lupin. My godfathers and practically my real fathers. I made eye contact with Sirius and his eyes just held a look of absolute PURE longing. It actually made me feel warm inside, someone actually missed me. Remus had the same look.

I will definitely be talking to them soon.


AN: also like the entire of Slytherin know who he is as their parents are mainly death eaters or neutral but lean towards the dark (like the Greengrasses).

"Nice to see you here Hades." A Slytherin smirked.
"Nice to be here Flint." (AN: I'm pretty sure Marcus was in his 7th year when Harry was in 4th comment if wrong.)

As we got to the portrait in the dungeon I just hissed in parseltongue.
"Open for heir Ssssslytherin."
"Finally a new sssspeaker, of coursssse you may entire."

And the door swung open. I turned back and notice practically everyone was bright red. That was the thing about parseltongue, some found it terrifying whilst most found it seductive. It was clear the Slytherins thought the later.

————-skip to after Snapes speech——-

As I walked back down to the common room with Draco, Blaise and Theo, who I was roommates with, I decided to ask them about their previous years.
"So how did your previous years go with the wonder boy?"

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