Chapter 7 - Triwizard Tournament

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Please pretend I actually remembered to add in the scene where Dumbledore announced it. This chapter is when the other schools arrive.

Hadrians PoV;

Today was the day that the other two schools arrive. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. I knew a few from each school so I was looking forward to meeting them. Especially Victor Krum and Fleur Delcicor.
I met Victor while I was visiting Bulgaria. I was at a public quidditch pitch and he was there. It was before he became famous, back when he was only 12 and me 9.

I met Fleur at a gala in France, their family is one of the richest in France. Her father worked at the French Ministry. I was 11 and she was 14. Eventually I introduced them and we all became friends. I knew from recent letters they both wished to enter. And I knew they'd probably get picked as they were their respective schools star pupils. Igor Karkaroff (Durmstrangs headmaster) is a death eater so I've seen him in meetings (pretend he never betrayed Barty jr and that they both just got caught but igor was eventually released.)

————line break——————-

As me and Pansy were in a rather heated arguement over who had the worst style, Dumbledore or Umbridge a woman who worked for the ministry.

"It's definitely Umbridge, Hadrian!" Pansy argued.
"She's literally a walking pink toad."

I snorted. "Yes that may be true but Dumbledore looks like a fucking oversized aubergine in those ridiculous purple robes."

Pansy instantly stopped talking, turned to look and the old goat and then me and repeated it about 6 times.

Then she just burst out laughing.

"OH MERLIN! AN AUBERGINE! THE HORROR!" She was literally cackling like Bellatrix. Tears were rolling down her face and she was bright red.

All the other Slytherins looked amused at her predicament in the first place but what happened next caused them to loose control of their masks.

I clicked my fingers and Pansy was suddenly in a grape outfit.

"HADRIAN TURN ME BACK NOW!" I was actually laughing so hard I fell off my chair which only tickled me further. Everyone around us was roaring with laughter especially the Gryffindors. I frowned.

That won't do...

Then I had an idea and waved my hand and all of the Gryffindors hair turned into snakes just like medusa. I smiled.

Much better!!

"Well whose slimy now Evan." I said dryly, referring to his remark he made about my house on the train.

The gryffindors were all screaming except the Weasley twins who were just owning it much to my amusement. I knew they were good pranksters so they didn't ever get pranked as everyone was too frightened they'd start a prank war. I have a feeling we will get along just fine.


"Tonight the Goblet of Fire is ready to draw the names!" Dumbledore announced.

Silence was all around the room. Everybody waiting in anticipation to see who was chosen. The goblet lit up and the first name was dispatched.

"The Durstrang champion is...Victor Krum!"

I cheered for Victor as he got up, being showered in praise as he practically strutted to the front. The flames then spat out the second name, the beauxbatons one.

"Fleur Delacore!"

I once again cheered and clapped for her as she walked to the front chamber brimming with confidence. Then for the last time until the next tournament, the goblet lit once more.

"Cedric Diggory!"

I clapped politely. I didn't know Cedric too well, I'd met him at a pureblood ball when we were younger but didn't talk long. He seemed like a competent wizard though. He had a pretty strong core.

Then to my surprise the goblet lit a FOUTH time and spat out another piece of parchment.


"Evan Potter..."


You see he didn't actually need to enter Evan but I whined at him all the time saying I wanted him to just to amuse me.

Guess it worked then...I wonder who put the name in.

As Evan for once nervously walked between the table to the goat and took the parchment, me and the Slytherins made sure to boo as loud as humanly possible.

"BOOOOOO!" Draco and Theo shouted.

"WHAT A CHEATER!" Practically everybody shouted and to my surprise so did a lot of Gryffindors.


I mentally cackled when literally everybody agreed. And started shouting about him being an attention seeker and a fame hungry arrogant twit.

Evan looked as if he was about to burst into turd when James and Lily ran after him into the chamber.

"Dray! I can't believe Marvolo ACTUALLY did it!"

He laughed and said, "I know! You must have either really annoyed him to the point of no return or he just likes you for some odd reason I can't comprehend."

"OI WATCH IT!" I swatted the back of his head. Maybe a little too hard as his head went into the table. He looked back up and flared as I ran out laughing my ass off.

End of chapter


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