Chapter 10 - the second task

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Hadrians PoV:

Today was the second task, we were all standing on a large platform in the middle of the black lake in the middle of February. All of us older ones cast warming charms on the youngsters as they had no idea how to. Eventually all the champions arrived.

Evan I could see had gillyweed in his hands but I knew from asking the other that Fleur was going to do the bubble head charm, Krum was doing a partial transfiguration and Cedric, who is recently became quite close to, was also doing the bubble head charm.

Finally the cannon went off signalling for the champions to enter. I could see James and Lily push Evan into the lake after the gillyweed so he could breathe.


It was rather boring being a spectator as all we did was stare at the surface of the lake. But finally Cedric came up with Cho in first place. Then followed by Victor and Hermione in second place who were followed closely by Fleur and Gabrielle.

After about 1 hour and 2 minutes, 2 minutes out of the time zone, Evan and Ron emerged. As soon as they were on the platform all I could hear off James was, "I'm so proud of you son! Well done! You would have come in first I know it! The others probably cheated."

"Pray tell how the other three treated Potter?" Came Igors angered voice.

"Karkaroff former Death Eater? Of course they did! My Evan is the boy who lived. Of course he would have come first."

Let's just say Igor ironed him out. I was quite surprised he actually stuck up for the other three and not just Krum.


The awarded Cedric first place, Victor second place, Fleur third and Evan fourth.

Overall that put Victor in first, Cedric in second, Fleur in third and Evan in fourth as they had points from the first task.

I congratulated the three I liked and went back to the Slytherin dorms.

The next morning I sat down in the great hall next to Victor who always sat their and Theo. He told me about his egg and that it made a horrible screeching noise, not unlike a banshee.

"Try listening to it underwater."

He gave me an odd look.

"It sounds like mermaids, the screech above ground and sing below." I told him. He nodded and thanked me greatly. He said he would inform Cedric and Fleur.

"Oh Draco I almost forgot!" I said cheerfully. He eyed me suspiciously wondering what if done.

"What have you done Hades?" He sighed. I pouted and said, "what makes you think I've done anything...I may have just forgotten to inform you of something."

"Yes Hades, something YOU'VE fine!"

"Fine." I huffed. "I put a potion in Evans food to turn him Slytherin green for an entire day!"

Everyone around me laughed knowingly, everybody knew how much the boy who lived to be an arrogant prick hates anything associated with Slytherin.

After about 10 minutes there was an almighty scream, I looked up wildly wondering what happened but when I came to the source I burst out laughting. Evan was green from head to toe. He could stand in a load of grass and you wouldn't see him.

He ran out of the great hall as fast as I'd seen anybody run.

"He can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo." I said dryly.

Fred Weasleys line from the deathly hallows^^

Everyone around me howled with laughter know just how true that statement was.

End of chapter.

I know it's a small one but I did just publish the previous one.


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