Chapter 12 - Final Chapter

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Hadrians PoV:

Finally it was time! We were in the Wizengamot and Albus had just said, "what about the boy who lived? Evan Potter! You will still try and kill him?" It was practically a roar.

Marvolo merely smirked.

"Trust me I won't be killing the boy who lived. I swear on my magic, so mote it be."

Everyone calmed down after that. Albus looked thunderstruck.

"Tom? What are you saying, you won't kill Evan Potter?"

"Excuse me Albus but his name is legally Marvolo Salazar Slytherin. If you would address him by his name it would be appreciated greatly." Kingsley told him.

"Of course sorry my boy."

Marvolos smirk faltered, "I'm not your boy my name is Marvolo but you will address me as lord slytherin."

"Lord Slytherin." The old goat corrected himself.

Marvolo nodded. "Anyways back to the boy who supposedly lived Evan Potter."


"I think I would know the answer to that would I not?" Marvolos snarky answer shut James up.

"Anyway it wasn't Evan Potter that was hit with the killing curse 18 years ago."

There was an uproar all around.

"Dumbledore claimed him to be but he had no way of knowing."

"WHAT!?" Was screamed all around.

"Then who was it Lord Slytherin?" Rita Skita asked. She was a reporter sitting in the wizengamot.

"Hadrian Sirius Orion Potter, his twin brother."

There were gasps all around, mainly because nobody knew Evan even had a sibling let alone twin.

"Hadrian Potter died many years ago when he was five." Dumbledore smartly said.

"Did he? Actually no he didn't he ran away because James and Lily Potter neglected him. He ran and changed his name to Peverell."

Everyone's heads whipped round in my direction.

"It's you? Your Hadrian Potter?" Lord Greengrass asked even though he knew already. Because I had told him when he met me.

"I used to be yes. Now Peverell. Legally if course." He smiled.

"Yes of course Lord Peverell." Kingsley said.

"No it wasn't! IT WAS MY SON EVAN!" Shouted James.

"Lord Potter if you would kindly refrain from shouting, there is no proof it was Evan. If you were to make an oath that said he was you would die." I said.

"You! You little ungrateful brat!" He spat.

"LORD POTTER! THAT IS A DISGRACEFUL THING TI SAY ABOUT A LORD OF AN ANCIENT AND NOBLE HOUSE!" Amelia bones' angry voice sent shivers down everyone's spines.

"I will make an oath that Hadrian Sirius Orion is the true boy who lived." Marvolo said.

"Very well Lord Slytherin."

"I, Marvolo Salazar Slytherin, Lord to the house of Slytherin do swear on magic, blood and soul that one Hadrian Sirius Orion Peverell, formally Hadrian Sirius Orion Potter is the true boy who lived. So I say it, so mote it be."

Everyone waiting a few minutes to see if he dropped dead or lost his magic.

"Lumos." And his wand lit up to show he still had his magic.

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