Chapter 9 - The Yule Ball

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Hadrians POV:

I was wearing black formal dress robes with green trimmings and my initials embroidered on the breast pocked. I have green trimmings as Daphne is wearing a dark green dress.

I waited in the entry hall for Daphne with Draco. The others were either already in there or not here yet.
Eventually Pansy came down in a baby blue short dress matching her eyes and Dracos bow tie and trimmings.

"You look beautiful my betrothed." Draco said whilst practically drooling.

She smiled and said thank you and said he also looked good.

"You do look lovely Pansy." I told her sincerely. She blushed, not expecting it as I don't give compliments easily....what I've got high standards.

"Thank you Hades. You look dashing too." She smiled.I dipped my head in acknowledgement.

They went into the hall ahead of me whilst I waited.

Eventually after about 5 minutes Daphne came down in a floor length dark emerald Green dress.

Eventually after about 5 minutes Daphne came down in a floor length dark emerald Green dress

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"You look gorgeous darling." I said whilst smiling charmingly.

She blushed but thanked me and retuned the compliment anyways.

We entered the hall which was decked in icicles and light blue banners. It was elegant but also rather extravagant.

We all waited for the champions to enter and begin the dance. Victor and 'mione came in first. Victor was wearing the Durmstrangs red formal dress robes with a red fur cloak. Hermione was wearing a light blue dress and her hair was for once, neat and not bushy at all.

Then came in Fleur who was wearing a short silver dress and her partner Rodger was wearing Black and Silver dress robes. They looked elegant together.

Then came Cedric and his girl Cho Chang. She was in the year above me, pretty and kind. He was wearing normal black and white dress robes whilst she was wearing a champagne coloured long dress.

Then finally, Evan and Parvati. Parvati wactially looked quite pretty in her cultural type robes. Evan was wearing the normal style black and white robes like Cedric. But unlike Cedric his robes didn't go with his partners at all. They clashed badly together.

When they go to the centre on the dance floor, the music came on and the other three pairs danced slowly and in time with the music whilst holding each other close. Evan and Parvati on the other hand were going way to quick and he was stepping on her feet, they were as far apart as they could be whilst still holding hands. It made quite a sight. I felt bad for the poor girl. It wasn't her fault. Evan was taller (for once) and the male so he was leading the dance

Then me and my Slytherin friends stepped onto the dance floor, each of us holding our respective partners closely. All of us perfectly in time and in sync. Some people actually stopped to watch us glide around the room beautifully.

After hours of dancing, eating, getting drunk we all eventually stumbled back into our dorm rooms and went to sleep.

Sorry for short chapter.


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