Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning and got ready. I put on a yellow t-shirt, blue jean overalls, white vans, and I threw my black-brown hair into a ponytail. I put on some mascara and lipgloss. "See ya later!" I called to Charlie. "Bye!" she called back. I had my lanyard with my apartment keys, work keys, and yearly Disney Land pass on it. I put it around my neck and had my miniature, black backpack on. Inside it was chapstick, deodorant, a portable charger for my phone, and sunglasses. When I got outside, Everett was waiting for me in his light blue truck. "Hey" I said, closing the door to his truck as I sat down. "Hey" he said happily. "So, where exactly are we going?" I asked as we pulled out of the apartment parking lot. "Disneyland" Everett said with a sly smile on his face. "I'm going to kill you" I said very annoyed. "Well too bad so sad" he said as we came to a red light. "I'm going to make you like Disney" he announced. "Yeah, good try" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "Why do you hate Disney so much?" he asked. "I don't......hate Disney" I muttered. Everett turned on the radio.

It was Disney music.

Soon, Everett was scream-singing the lyrics to How Far I'll Go from Moana. I had never seen that movie. The only Disney movies I had seen were The Little Mermaid and Beauty And The Beast. "Honestly Everett, I can't stand you, I hope you know that" I joked. "Oh I know" he laughed. After a few moments of silence, I started to strike up a conversation. "So, tell me about Liam" I said. Everett looked at me with a cocky smile. "Why? Do you like him?" Everett urged. "Maybe" I said with a slight smile. I did like Liam. He was really nice. "And haven't you met him?" Everett asked, changing the subject a little. "Well, yeah" I said, pretending to sound dumb. "But we didn't really get to talk outside of character" I explained. Everett nodded. "He actually asked me to hang out today. But I said no because I already had plans with you" I admitted. "Oh, so you turned down a date invite with him to be with me?" Everett asked with a cocky smile. "Don't let that get to your head" I warned him. He lifted his hand on the wheel up a bit in surrender. "I just didn't wanna be rude" I explained. "Sure you didn't" he said cockily. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "It's true! Now would you shut up!" I laughed. "Alright, alright" he moaned. I liked Everett. As a friend of course.

Soon we parked in the Disney Land parking lot quickly, and headed for the parks. Once we were through security, we headed straight for the Disney Land side of the property. "What do you wanna do first?" I asked. "I know exactly what to do first" Everett muttered with a smirk. "This can't be good" I whispered to myself, but just loud enough so he could hear me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down Main Street, into Fantasy Land. We stopped in front of Snow White's Scary Adventures. "I have made it my mission to get you to love Disney again" Everett announced triumphantly. "You told me that already" I groaned. "And we're starting here. At Snow White's Scary Adventures" he said, presenting the building. I rolled my eyes, but reluctantly got in line behind him. "So why don't you like Disney?" Everett asked as we waited in the sweltering sun. "I don't know" I lied. "I just never really got into it" I continued. It looked like he bought it.

After twenty more minutes of Everett explaining the plot of Snow White to me, we finally got on the ride. "You know, Snow White didn't even know him. And apparently he's her true love. That makes no sense" I explained as we swerved pass as scene of Snow White climbing the stairs, followed by little animals. "It makes total sense" Everett shot back. "At least it's did back when the movie was made" I heard him mutter to himself. A satisfied smile grew over my face.
When we got off the ride, he pulled me across the way to Peter Pan's Flight. A ride I knew all too well. It was the ride I had went on with Daniel and Liam. I loved that day. But I was soon pulled from my thought when I was stepping into a red and yellow pirate ship and the lap bar lowered onto my waist. And once more, I was flying over London. I looked over at Everett. His eyes were gleaming and glowing as if he were still a little kid. I smiled, seeing how happy he was made me happy.

"Snap out of it Lily! Get a grip!"

I lightly slapped my face. "What was that for?" Everett asked, looking at me. "A mosquito was on my face" I lied. "Huh" Everett mumbled. "Weird". "

"Why is it weird?".

"Bugs don't really get in rides. Well, I don't think so".


As we soared over Captain Hook's ship, Everett said "look, it's you and me!". He pointed to the animatronics of Wendy and Peter Pan standing on Captain Hook's ship. I laughed. "Yeah, yeah it is" I nodded excitedly.
After the ride, we did a ton more fun things. We met Pooh and Tigger. We went on Space Mountain. We met Princess Cinderella. I actually had a great time.

Maybe Disney is pretty cool.

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