Chapter 15

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After riding Peter Pan and a few other rides, it was time for dinner.

"Where are we eating?" I asked Charlie. She hadn't actually told me where we were eating. "You'll see!" she said with a smirk. As we approached the building I knew exactly where we were. "Ariel's Grotto. Really?" I asked. "Isn't that kind of cliché?" I laughed. Charlie shook her head. "I have come to the realization that in my two months of working here, I have never actually ate here" Charlie said in her "sophisticated", man voice.

I laughed.

"Wow, what a realization" I said, going along with her. "C'mon" she said, snapping back to reality. "I'm starving. And I really want some of those yummy treats from the confectionary!" she said, before marching into the restaurant. "I swear Charlie" I began with a laugh. "One day you're going to embarrass me to death" I finished. I rolled my eyes and followed her.
As the waiter sat us at our table, he placed two glasses of water in front of us. "I'll be right back" he said, before scurrying away. "So, tell me about your conversation with Everett" Charlie said, taking a sip of water. "Eh" I hesitated. I let out a long breath, and started. "So, I walked over and asked him why he was avoiding me. Because he was obviously not sick and he started to not come to work when I started dating Liam" I started. "Mhm" Charlie nodded in fascination. "Then he tells me he's not avoiding me, but I prove him wrong" I continue, trying to recall the events that just happened. But everything seemed like a blur. I couldn't remember what had just happened because I was so blind with fury. "I'm sorry, I don't really remember what happened. I'm just so angry" I admitted. "It's ok" Charlie said, a kind smile growing across her face. "If you remember anything, let me know" she said, taking another sip of water. "Thanks for understanding" I gushed. "You would have done the same thing for me" she smiled. "You're literally the best friend ever" I complimented. "I know!" she said with a proud smile. I rolled my eyes with a laugh. The waiter approached our table once more. "Can I get you girls started with a drink?".

"You know" Charlie started as we walked down Main Street. "What?" I asked. A smirk grew on her face. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like Everett!" she announced. "What?! Are you crazy" I half screamed.

I got a lot of rude stares.

"Remember? I have a boyfriend?" I reminded her. "Yeah I know" she sighed, a little disappointed. "Liam is awesome! You just haven't gotten to know him yet" I insisted. But I didn't think she was listening. We turned into the confectionery. It smelled of warm chocolate and honey. "Mmmmm" I sighed, taking in a good sniff. "I know" Charlie said beside me. The smell was amazing. "What should we get?" I asked, walking over to the display case. "I don't know! They all look so good!" Charlie gushed. I felt a little embarrassed by how loud she was talking. "Keep your voice down Charlie!" I whispered yelled at her. "BUT AM I LIEING?" Charlie screamed. The entire store stared at us. But I had a good feeling all of Disney Land heard her. "That's it! You've done it within two hours!" I said to myself. "You've embarrassed me half to death!" I exclaimed. "Oh shut up" she shot back. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the yummy treats in the display case. "Can I get one candy apple and a Ursula cup cake?" I asked the woman behind the counter. She nodded and started to grab my items. She placed them in a bag and handed it to me. "That'll be fifteen dollars" she said. I nodded and handed her my credit card. "Thanks" I said, before walking out of the store. Five minutes later, Charlie walked out with a bag a little bigger than mine. "Ready to go?" I asked. Charlie nodded and off we went to the parking lot.

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