Chapter 17

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Staring blankly at the dripping faucet a little ways from her, Sofiel barely manages to hang on to the last fraying thread of her consciousness.

She forgets herself momentarily.

Who is she? What is she? Where is she?

She can't remember.

All she knows is that she's in a familiar place, slouching against cool glass. Her ears are ringing, and that the pain — oh, the unbearable pain — has finally lifted and she can breathe again.

Oh, and the tap is leaking.

"I'm afraid this is the best we can do. We couldn't dispel the stigma, but at least we've managed to stop its spread."

"Thank you, Noah."

That voice. Her ears perk up despite herself. But her eyes do not stray far from the faucet, lest the bolts of pain return, threatening to claw its way out from her ribs and tear her open again. She counts every drop that falls, focussing on the resulting splash as it swirls down the sink.

But she can't help but feel like she knows that voice.

Long, slender fingers brush against the side of her face, pushing her matted hair out of her face. And they're warm, soft and so very gentle. They gather her up into a pair of arms that feels safe. Like home. She nearly closes her eyes then. Nearly gives in to the drowsiness that is making her eyelids heavy, her brain groggy.

"Give up on her, Abigail."


Abigail who? She knows that name. She knows it. But for some reason, she can't put a face to it. Apart from the vague recollection of hot coffee and fresh snow, she draws up nothing. Maybe if she thinks hard enough...

But the faucet is still leaking.

"Excuse me?"

"She's a ticking time bomb. You'll never know when the stigma is going to claim her. And when it does, she is going to descend. Whether you like it or not."

"We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there."

"She is going to fall, Abi— "

"I know, okay!"

She flinches at the sudden exclamation of that familiar voice. It echoes within the small space that they're in, and it rings on in the silence that befalls them. The fingers that had stilled in the midst of the outburst, resume its ministrations. They comb through her hair tenderly, almost in apology.

"If it comes down to that, then I will..." A sniffle, and an audible swallow, followed by a quivering breath. "I will dispatch of her," the voice quavers, and it cracks with an emotion that breaks her heart into half, "as per my duties as a Knight of the Order."

She centres her attention back onto the rhythmic pit-pat of the leaky faucet once more, and valiantly tries to ignore the voices around her. But the delicate touch making its rounds through her hair in long soothing strokes is making her sleepy. She soon finds her eyes fluttering shut despite herself.

"When Sofiel descends, an angel of her calibre will no doubt turn her into a powerful demon. Even a trained dispatcher like yourself will have trouble subduing her."

Sofiel. That's me, she registers absently, mind hazy with exhaustion. I am Sofiel.

"I know,"

And that voice.

That voice that sounds so defeated — so sad and heartbroken.

"If you have to dispatch her, I suggest you do it now."

"No, I will not."

"Abigail— "



Sofiel cracks her eyes open, fighting through the allure of sleep to peer up into the tear-stricken face of Abigail that is twisted angrily into an uncharacteristic frown. Her blue eyes are wet and shiny, albeit fierce with indignance. And even then, there is a frightening beauty to her that Sofiel can't simply look away from.

"Sofiel is my friend, Noah!"

The arms around her tighten, squeezing at Sofiel just much so. Peering down at her, Abigail's gaze is decidedly soft, unbridling with affection. "And I care about her very much." 

A finger to her cheek, and Sofiel sighs, eyes inadvertently falling shut. So much so, she nearly misses Abigail's next words as she slowly slips into sleep's embrace.

"I'm not about to forsake her like everyone else already has."


a/n: i know, i know. this chapter is unbelievably short. the next one will be longer, i swear. and we're heading out of this whole stand-still moment with the purification ritual and what not. mostly everything will be explained in the next chapter so do stay tuned!

let me know your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter! :)

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