Chapter III

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<Meliodas 'POV>

When I was finished with hide the papers, I went downstairs, but I stopped when I heard my comrades talking about me.

When they said something about problems, I decided to go down, hoping they would change the subject

I walked down the stairs and smiled and said "Yo! What's up? You look upset."

They all looked at me in shock.

They looked at me a little too long so I decided to break that awkward silence.

"Is there something on my face, or why are you all staring at me like that?"

From one second to the next, they all smiled and looked away from me.

'Okaaay, that was weird' I thought.

"Hey Ban, what'd you cook?  I hope it wasn't too expensive" I said, we didn't have as many customers as usual in the last few days, so we didn't have as much income.

"The usual, it didn't cost as much, I decided to make something cheap, as we didn't have that much income anymore" Ban replied

Something was wrong with his face, he looked at me a little suspiciously.

I decided to sit down and eat.  I kept catching them all staring at me strangely.  I decided not to pay attention.

Soon after I finished eating,I thanked Ban for the food and said that it was delicious, then I went back upstairs.

<King's POV>

The captain disappeared right after he thanked the Immortal guy  for dinner.

Now I'm starting to think something's wrong, too.

"Okay, you're right, there's something wrong with him.  But what?"

"I don't know, he's usually so happy and talks a lot, but today he was kind of...  different," Diane replied.

"Should we ask Merlin?  Maybe she knows something. She's known the captain the longest of us.

All nodded
We decided to contact Merlin.

<Merlin's POV>

I had just returned to my room in Camelot from a hard day's work when I suddenly noticed that Ban had contacted me with a magical item I had given him.

 "What's wrong, Ban?  I said "I said contact me only if there's a problem," I replied.

"Hello to you too, Merlin, and it's kind of a problem."

"Huh? Now I'm interested." How can something be kind of a problem?  Either it is or it isn't, I thought to myself.

"It's about the Cap'n." About Meliodas? I thought

"He's been acting weird lately, he's just in his room, eating when there's something, and going back up when he's done" explained Ban to me

"And what's the problem there?  Maybe he just needs some time off..." I could tell that Ban was not satisfied with this answer.  I think the Captain is trying to figure something out.  When he's trying to figure something out, he's like me, he only leaves the room when he has to.  I wonder what it is this time.

"If you mean.  Thanks for the answer" Ban replied somewhat angrily

I ignored his tone and said, "You're welcome!"  Then I ended the conversation.

I'm interested to find out what our captain is trying to find out again. 

<Ban's POV>

"Well, that's not the answer I was expecting, but I think Merlin knows something," I said to the others.

They agreed with me

"Hey, King, I know it's against his privacy, but you wanna fly out to his window and look what he's doing?"  I asked King, even though I knew it was wrong, I just wanted to know what my best friend was doing all the time.

"I don't know, Ban, it's not polite to do that," King replied.

"But I also want to know what our captain's doing, so I'm doing it, if he catches me, it's on you, you understand?

I nodded

We went out together while King flew up to his window.

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