The Egg is Hatching

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    A crisp autumn breeze made the two dragons shiver. They were in a small clearing next to two eggs. Even though it was fall a spring flowers decorated the clearing. It was evening, the two dragons had been sitting there all day. The only sound in the clearing came from the small stream that ran through the clearing. "Are you sure they are going to hatch today?" A dragon the color of shadows asked. "Yes...I'm certain" a dragon the color of rainbows responded. The shadow dragon opened his mouth but the rainbow dragon cut him off, "Call it mother's instinct". The shadow dragon was about to roll his eyes but stopped when he heard a cracking sound. "The first's hatching" the rainbow dragon breathed as she stared at the egg. The shadow dragon instinctively grabbed her arm. He couldn't believe this was real, he was about to become a father. He remembered when he found out, at first he just froze, the rest of his body trying to catch up with his ears and when it did he was the happiest and most worried he had ever been. The feeling returned now as he watches the egg. Would he be a good father? He had no clue on what to do, he had never raised a dragonet before. But as the pieces of the egg fell away and reveled a small baby dragonet, his worries fell away just like the pieces of the egg. He would figure it out alongside his true love.

    The small dragonet looked around and squeaked. She appeared to be fascinated by the leaves and changed to their colors. Glory stared at the now red, orange, and yellow dragonet when suddenly a name popped into her mind. The sun was setting now and cast it's dimming light through the trees onto the newborn dragonet. "What will we name her?" Desthbringer asked looking at the small dragonet as dozens of names ran through his head. His wife tore his eyes away from the dragonet, a smile growing on her face. "How about Autumn?" She asked him, her eyes shining with happiness, as her scales slowly turned to a rosey pink. "I love it." Deathbringer responded a smile growing on his face as well. He couldn't help it, apparently dragonets carried a fatal disease of happiness and the symptoms were uncontrollable smiling and a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

    The small dragonet had the build of a rainwing, black nightwing scales traced her wings and face but the rest of her looked like a rainwing. She had one silver eye and one green eye.

    After a few hours of playing with the small dragonet it was past midnight and the parents had given up on the other egg hatching that night. Deathbringer got up and reached for the egg as Glory held Autumn when a crack made it's way around the egg and cracking could be heard. Deathbringer froze while Glory slowly set Autumn down and sat down. Glory grabbed Deathbringer arm gently, Deathbringer obliged and sat down next to her. A small dragonet rolled and tumbled out of the egg and ended up falling right in front of her sister. Autumn helped the new dragonet stand up and hugged her.  Suddenly a strong guest of wind blew through the clearing, but it wasn't cold this was hot like summer. "Summer" Deathbringer blurted out. Glory eyes lit up as she looked at him, once again a smile growing on her face. Deathbringer grinned as he looked at the unnamed dragonet, who had already turned to look at him. "It's perfect" Deathbringer responded. "Yes, yes it is." Glory said as she smiled at her newly named dragonets. They had been so close to being hatched on the same day but had instead born on two different days.

It was just a start but to these new parents it was perfect and they could not wait for it to grow. Yes they may be new at this and therefore possibly not the best but they would figure it out. Together. Because this was only the beginning for this family, there was still much more for them to experince...

I didn't know how to properly write a wedding chapter...therefore no wedding chapter.

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