Telling the Queens...

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In the highest cave on Jade Mountain there was a stone table surrounded by six thrones. One throne was black stone with white stones embedded in it making it look like the night sky. It also had vines, leafs and bright colorful flowers on and surrounding it. One throne was made out of onyx and sandstone with sand on and surrounding it. The third throne was made out of quartz with snow on and surrounding it. The third to last throne was made out of dry mud and rocks, tiger eye gemstones embedded in it with mud on and surrounding it. The second to last throne was made out of seaglass, coral, shells, and sand surrounding it. And finally, the last throne was bright red with gold lines through it, made out of stone with gems, jewels and gold embedded in it.

Along with the six thrones were six queens to match....and a princess. An icy rock sat beside the IceWing Queen's throne, occupied by a very unpleasantly bitter IceWing princess. The rock was shorter then the thrones, making the IceWing Princess shorter then the IceWing Queen, even more than usual.

Snowfall was trying almost painfully hard to sit up as straight as possible while attempting to remain dignified in an effort to reach her mother's height and to make her seem more apart of the conversation, like her mother's equal instead of being inferior to her. It was quite clear that she had great resentment to the situation. She was being treated like a young foolish dragonet at the adult table during an 'adult' conversation. Completely ignored and very annoyed.

The MudWing Queen cleared her throat. "Now that we're all here, are you going to tell us why we traveled all the way here without a clue of the reason behind it?" Queen Moorhen asked curiously, her sharp eyes slowly trailing around the room and her warm voice oozing with mild and calm anticipation. The SkyWing Queen nodded, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and anticipation as the SandWing Queen smiled slightly. The SeaWing Queen turned back towards the other queens, her eyes no longer wandering the room. The IceWing Queen directed her attention to the other queens as her daughter rolled her eyes and scoffed under her breath.

The RainWing and NightWing Queen smiled and took a deep breath. "Yes, I will. This seemed too personal to just write in a letter. Plus this way I can tell you all at the same time. Face to face." Glory answered truthfully. Moorhen listened attentively and Coral's attention turned to the RainWing queen. Glacier stayed silent and still which Snowflall decided she didn't like at ALL. Ruby and Thorn directed their attention to the rainforest dragon as well.

"The rainforest has just received two princesses, Princess Autumn and Princess Summer." Glory informed the other queens, smiling. Then they were all deafened by an excited shriek from Queen Ruby, who practically knocked over her throne as she jumped up and down in joy. It took a moment for the rest of the queens to recover but as soon as they did Queen Thorn smiled and congratulated her as the SkyWing queen hugged the rainforest dragon. The other queens had much more calm reactions, Moorhen and Glacier nodded, smiling slightly. Coral did the same, her voice breaking as she congratulated the rainforest queen with teary eyes. She wiped away the tears in her eyes and excused herself, quickly walking out of the room before any of the other queens could say anything. Snowfall had a very different reaction, opening her mouth to object but was stopped by her mother who elbowed her. As much she didn't want to, Snowfall stayed quiet but DID glare at the queens, including her mother.

As the end of their meeting came close to an end Coral still hadn't returned and they decided to end meeting a bit earlier than they had originally planned. As it turns out the SeaWing queen had ended up flying home early.

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