Clay's Siblings' Dragonets: Part Two

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      Pheasant and Dusty Dragonets      

      Pheasant and Dusty Dragonets       _______________________________________

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Oldest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. She (like many of the bigwings in the story) is responsible, smart, and quiet. She appears confident and fearless to everyone she meets but secretly doubts herself. She loves animals and is secretly keeping three birds, two mice, and a baby wolf in the a small room that is used for storage at her house.

                             CedarSecond oldest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty

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Second oldest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. She is quiet and observant. She is the only one who knows that Sequoia doubts herself and tries to help her. She and Hazel are basically the family's therapists as when someone has a secret or needs to talk they go to them. She is extremely close with Sequoia and Hazel. She usually is also the babysitter of the family and takes care of her younger siblings when her sister Sequoia and parents are busy.

 She usually is also the babysitter of the family and takes care of her younger siblings when her sister Sequoia and parents are busy

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Third oldest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. She loves a good joke. When Cedar is busy Hazel becomes the family's babysitter. She does many jobs around the house and her family, such as babysitting, being the second therapist, and collecting berries and herbs.

 She does many jobs around the house and her family, such as babysitting, being the second therapist, and collecting berries and herbs

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Fourth oldest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. Named after one of her mother's old friends. When a family member gets hurt they go to her. She is very smart and knows tons of things about plants and health. She is the family doctor. She is hardworking but usually bites off more then she can chew. At times she can so busy that she doesn't have time to spend with family and friend, sometimes she doesn't even have time to sleep.  Sadly most of the time she has too much pride to ask for help.

                           Cypress Middle dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty

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Middle dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. He is constantly worried for Mayfly. He calls Mayfly "May". He is nicknamed "Cy". He is caring and intelligent. At times he can worry too much.

                           MableFourth youngest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty

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Fourth youngest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. She was trained by her father to be become a soldier and wants to join the army when she grows up. She is confident and determined. She appears fearless and as far as anyone knows (including herself) she is. She has a short temper but her father has taught her to hide it so no one (except for her family) knows when she is angry.

 She has a short temper but her father has taught her to hide it so no one (except for her family) knows when she is angry

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Third youngest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. He was also trained by his father just like Mable but he does not think he actually wants to join the army. He is fun loving and caring. He is also a bit of a goofball and easily gets himself into trouble even if it is on accident.

 He is also a bit of a goofball and easily gets himself into trouble even if it is on accident

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Second youngest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. Nicknamed "Doe". She is confident and determined. She is more "street smart" then "book smart". She is stubborn and prideful. Sadly she is always to stubborn and prideful to ask for help.

                         Pumpkin Youngest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty

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Youngest dragonet of Pheasant and Dusty. She is sweet, curious, and easily distracted. She is also trusting sometimes too trusting. She is quite innocent and believes everyone has good in them.

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