Chapter 1

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Ross P.O V

Me, Smith and Trott were waiting for our pizza to arrive. It was near midnight and we had been playing GTA for hours now and couldn't be bothered to cook any food. It had been about 15 minutes since we ordered and we wanted it ASAP. Smith and Trott were still arguing over the fact that Trott kept blowing him up. I found it rather amusing. "You PRICK!!" Smith roared playfully. Beating Trott with a cushion."That's right you dick! Take it! Take it!" Smith yelled. "Ooo. You pissed him off now Trott!" I say as I sit on the sofa. They stop their fight and sit down to. The living room was filled with boxes of Christmas presents sent from fans. "Live streams in less then a week!" Trott smiled as he picked up one of the many boxes. I hear Smiths stomach growl. Begging for food. "Someone's hungry!" Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Just in time!" I cheer as I get up and walk to the door. Grabbing the £20 pound note we needed to pay for it. As i opened the door i didn't see our usual pizza delivery boy. In fact no one was there. "Kids." I muttered as I went to close the door. Then I heard the small giggle of a baby. Unsure of what I heard I reopened the door and looked down. My eyed met a small woven basket, full of blankets. Moving blankets. Slowly, I bent down and moved some of the blankets off. And there lay a small baby. Wearing a small pink baby grow. It had dark brown hair and blue eyes. It looked no more then 3 weeks old. I stared at it in shock. "Come on mate!! What's taking so long?!" Smith called. I didn't reply. What would I say? 'Just give me a minute! I've found a baby on our door step!' I sighed as i heard footsteps behind me. Then two loud gasps. "Ross? Why is there a baby at the front door?" Trott asked. "I don't know! Why don't you ask it what it's doing here!" I almost hiss. "Well don't leave it out here! Bring it inside it's almost December for fucks sake." He tells me. I nod and pick up the basket with care. The small child blubbers in confusion. I walk inside and Smith closes the door after me. I take the baby into the living room and set the basket on the sofa. "Why was it left on our doorstep?" Trott asked as he tickled the babies tummy. Making it squirm and giggle slightly. "I don't know! It must have been abandoned." I say. Smith walks over to the basket and pulls out a slip of paper. He opens it and reads it. His eyes widen. "Think again mate." He mumbled as he passed me the note. I sigh and read it over.

Please look after our daughter. You probably won't remember me like I don't remember you but this is your daughter. Her name is Scarlett. I am not aloud to keep her and i can't give her into an orphanage. So please take care of her. She needs you more then ever. And i beg of you, don't hand her to an orphanage.
She was born on the 3rd of November
Thank you xx

I stared in absolute shock at the note. I had a daughter. A child! I looked at Scarlett who was now wining and whimpering I'm her basket. "She's mine." I mumbled. "What!?" Both Smith and Trott yelled at me. Making Scarlett jump and cry. I groan. I don't know what to do with a child! I buried my face into my hands. Then i hear Smith saying. "Shh. Shh." I look up to see him cradling Scarlett in his arms. She was still whimpering but was also trying to chew on Smiths fore finger. But since she had no teeth it didn't work. I smiled slightly. "How do you know how to deal with babies?" I ask. Smith smiles. "My cousin Lily had a baby a few months ago. Little Harrison. I used to calm him down by holding him and letting him try chew my finger. Babies like to discover things and trying to eat family and friends is one of them." He laughed. I was surprised at my friends knowledge on babies. "Wow Smith I'm impressed!" Trott said. Smith laughed. "I bet you are. But what we need to do is find a 24 hour shop." He said. I give him a confused glance. "Why?" Me and Trott ask. "Well we need to feed her. Or she's going to cry more." He told us. I nod. "Me and Trott will go. You stay with Scarlett and keep her calm. Well be back as soon as we can." Just after me and Trott got our coats on and walked to the door the Pizza man arrived. But pizza would have to wait. I had a new bigger responsibility.

Yay! Ross is a daddy! Isn't that cute? Hope you enjoyed it my Little Snowflakes! :)

Lil' Hornby, left alone. (Yogscast/HatFilms)Where stories live. Discover now