Chapter 10

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Ross P.O.V

I couldn't believe it. Scarlett was in a coma. A coma! And she's not even five yet.

I sat next to her small lifeless body as life support kept her with us. She didn't deserve this. Not at all. Sure she got grumpy when I didn't buy her a chocolate bar when we went shopping. And threw a temper tantrum when I told her it was bedtime during her time with her teddies. But that doesn't mean she deserves this. Tears fell out of my eyes at the thought of losing my little ray of sunshine.

Scarlett P.O.V (don't judge me on this part)

I giggled as my unicorn friend Lula used her magic to play a daisy chain on my head. A few days ago I woke up in a land full of unicorns and other magical creatures. And I loved in here. All the animals were my friends. There were sweets galore and the grass was greener then anything I've ever seen. And at night we sat and watched the stars. Making constellations till we fell asleep.  "There! You look lovely Scarlett." Lula told me. She was a beautiful white unicorn with a mane of rainbows and bright blue eyes that reminded me of the blue sea. "Thanks Lula." I smile. I walk over to the stream where the mermaids splash about playfully. I look into the calm deep blue at my reflection. I was wearing a beautiful light blue dress and no shoes. My hair was in plaits and I now had a fragrant daisy chain on my head. But when i looked at my reflection i didn't see me. I saw daddy. "Daddy?" I ask quietly. "What was that?" Lula asked. I look up at her. "My daddy. Where is he?" I ask. She smiles. "Your daddy? He's in your world." She told me. My smile drops. "When can I see him?" I ask her. "Soon enough." She smiled. I nod. "Okay." I say sadly. She nudges me with her muzzle. "Come on. Let's go for a fly." She said and she bent down to let me on her back. I climb up willingly and she runs towards the cliff. (Convenient;) ) Then she jumps. Flying high into the sky. I held on er to her multi coloured mane as my only support. But suddenly a harsh wind began to blow. I clung to Lula and she tried to fly back to the land. But another gust of wind blew me off her back. "SCARLETT!!" I heard her scream as blackness enveloped me.

Then a bright light shone above me and I heard a very loud beep along with some shouting.

Ross P.O.V

I sat in the hospital chair. Half asleep. It had now been nearly two weeks. And Scarlett was still in a coma. I sat in a daze when suddenly a fast paced beeping started. I jolt awake and look at Scarlett's monitor. Her oxygen levels were decreasing rapidly. I panicked. "Nurse! Help me!" I shout. Then Doctors and nurses come rushing in and pull me away. Tending to Scarlett. I fight against them but stop dead when i hear a long loud beep. Trott and Smith came running in. I felt my knee go weak as the beep continued.
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep beep beep beep beep

I looked up as the doctors backed away. With successful smiles. I stood up straight and looked at Scarlett. Her eyes were open. She was looking about. But even better. She was alive!!

I know it's short. But the magical land is my imagination.................. I DON'T ACT MY AGE!!!!!

Lil' Hornby, left alone. (Yogscast/HatFilms)Where stories live. Discover now