Chapter 2

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I found that picture and found it adorable. ROSS IS IN A BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ross P.O.V

As me and Trott got back we could hear Scarlett screaming. Obviously Smith's baby charms wore off. We got the bags out of the car and headed inside. We had bought some baby milk and a few other things like some teddies and toys to keep her occupied. And obviously some more clothes and some nappies. "Did you know?" Trott asked as we got inside. "Of course I didn't know! Do you think I would have kept it secret?" I question. He shrugged and walked into the kitchen. "I don't know with you Ross." He said simply. I thought for a moment. Maybe he was right. I might not have told if I knew. But I never knew. Then Smith walked in, cradling a wailing Scarlett. "She's definitely got your appetite." He joked. I smiled a bit as he passed Scarlett to Trott and took the milk power out the Tesco bag. "Great. Now did you get some feeding bottles?" He asked. I nod and reach into the second bag. "Naturally they were right next to it." Trott said as he calmed Scarlett a bit. She lay in his arms and whimpered sadly. She was my daughter and I was helpless to help her. Smith mad the milk and took Scarlett from Trott. By now she was calm and no longer crying. "You should feed her Ross, she's your child." He said as he walked over. I sigh and take Scarlett out of his arms. And nestled her in the crook of my left arm. I took the bottle from Smith and shook it gently. Making sure it was fully mixed. Then i very carefully let her drink. She struggled at first. Coughing and spluttering the milk up. But soon she got the hang of it. I smiled down at her as she sucked contently on the bottle. She had bright blue eyes. Much like my own. As she finished her meal she began to fall asleep. Her eyes slipping shut. "See. It's not that hard to deal with a child." Smith said. I sigh. "I'm not saying it's difficult. I'm just surprised that she's my flesh and blood." Scarlett shifted a bit to get into a more comfortable position. "Just look at her. She's clearly mine. Blue eyes, brown hair. She's a little Hornby." I smile. Trott started putting away the supplies. "What do we do about tomorrow? Do we take her to work?" Smith asked. I walk over and gently place Scarlett in her basket. Putting the blankets over her. "Shit! I completely forgot about work." I muttered. Should we take her? "Didn't Turps say that he was bringing Cat and his little girl tomorrow?" Trott asked as he put away some baby bottles. IDEA!! "Yes he did! Maybe he can help." I say smiling. Turps and his wife Cat had had a baby girl about two months ago. He could give me some advice that's for sure. After we had eaten the now cold pizza i picked up Scarlett in her basket and took her to my room. She was still sleeping peacefully. I place the basket on the floor. It's all I can do for now. Scarlett shifts in her basket. I smiled. This would have its down moments, but It would definitely have its ups. I sigh and get ready for bed. I look over and give Scarlett a kiss of the head. "Night." I whisper as I get into bed.


I awoke to Scarlett's tiny wails. I groan and get out if bed. I walk over to the basket and pick her up. She cries louder. I cradle her in my arms. "Shh. Shh." She continues to cry. I understand what's wrong now. She's needs a nappy change. "Great." I mutter. After finding the nappies and wipes i changed her and tried to calm her. I say on the bed and held her close. "It's okay." I tell her. She obviously missed her mystery mother. She snuggled up to my chest and whimpered. I lie back down with her on my chest. She stopped whimpering and crying and lay there on her front. I rubbed her back till she dozed off. Then i followed soon after.

Lil' Hornby, left alone. (Yogscast/HatFilms)Where stories live. Discover now