Chapter 9

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Ross P.O.V

I watched the burning building. Scarlett was still in there! Kim said that after the orange flash Scarlett had disappeared. She had searched and searched but had no luck. Nearly choking she made it out alive. Suddenly soke of the building collapsed. Making people around me scream. I couldn't lose my daughter. Not now. Not ever. I ran towards the flaming building. Running for the entrance. But before I could get close the fore services stopped me. Telling me it wasn't safe. "Sir please! It's not safe!" I stern woman told me. "I don't care! My daughter is in there!" I cry. Suddenly more people run out the building. Scarlett not among them. The woman shout to some fire men. "People are still in there!" They nodded and ran inside. "How old is your daughter?" She asked me. "4 nearly 5." I tell her. She speaks into her walkie talkie. "We're looking for a 4 year old girl. I repeat. I 4 year old girl." I crackled response comes back. "Got it. We're looking now." I felt the presents of someone behind me. I turned to see Kim. She was in tears. "I'm so sorry Ross. I should have taken better care of her." She sobbed. I felt tears falling from my eyes. I pulled her into a hug. She cried onto my chest. "it's not your fault." I tell her. We stood hugging for what seemed an eternity. Then I heard the crackle of the woman's walkie talkie.

"W*crackle* we found*crackle* her! *crackle* we found her!"

They found her?! Kim pulled away as paramedics ran past pulling along a stretcher. I watched as three fire men retreated the building. Carrying two lifeless bodies. One of an 11 year old boy. And the limp body of Scarlett. I ran after the stretcher that carried my unconscious daughter. The paramedics fixed an oxygen mask onto her small dusty face. Her clothes were burned and her hair was black and fried at the tips. She was covered in ashes. As they loaded her into the Ambulance me and Kim jumped in. Kim insisted on coming. And there was no way I could talk her out of it. She cried on my shoulder as we made out way to the hospital.

Trott P.O.V
**6 days later***

Scarlett was still unconscious. The doctor said she had slipped into a coma over time. And she was on life support because she couldn't breath for herself. All the smoke and ashes in her lungs was cleared. All her severe burns were cleaned and bandaged. The chard bits of hair were gone. Now she just lay lifeless in the hospital bed. With wires all over her. Monitoring her heart rate. Her oxygen levels. The boy that had saved her life was more fortunate. He had survived with a few burns but woke up after a few hours. I decided I would go see if he was okay. I asked the nurse where he was. She gladly showed me the way. He was just a few rooms down from Scarlett. I knocked on the door and entered. The boy lay in his bed starring at the wall. With less wires then Scarlett. He looked up at me then back at the wall. "Who are you?" He asked in a hoarse whisper. "My names Chris. But most people call me Trott." I tell him. He sighs. "Why are you here?" I shut the door and walk over to his bed. "I'm a friend of the little girl you saved." I explain. "Oh. Is she okay?" He asked. I shrug. "We don't know. Apparently she's in a coma and her dad is very heart broken." He sighs as tears fill his eyes. "I tried my best to save her. I guess I was just to late?!" He began to cry. I didn't know what to do. "What's your name?" I ask. Trying to change the subject. "Z-Zach." He stuttered. "And where are your parents?" I ask him. "Dead." He replied bluntly. I stare at him in shock. "Dead?" I question. He nodded. "My father abused me and my mum. One day he was driving with me and mum in the car. He was drunk. Then he crashed into another car. Killing himself, mum and the other driver. I was I there. And I survived." He told me. I looked at the poor boy in shock. Maybe he hadn't been more fortunate.

You want words?
Tuff luck!

Lil' Hornby, left alone. (Yogscast/HatFilms)Where stories live. Discover now