Chapter 8

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That's Scarlett aged 4 in the media. Cute huh? :3

Ross P.O.V

We had just settled to sleep in the hotel in America. Me and Scar sharing. Of course. And Smith and Trott sharing. At about 2am I was woken up by Scarlett. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. I sat up instantly and pulled her onto my lap. Giving her a hug. She sobs into my chest. "Hey. What's wrong?" I ask her. She sniffs. "I..I had a nightmare daddy." She told me. I kiss her head and hug her again. "What about?" I question. She clings to my top. "A-a man took me away." She stuttered. "What?" I ask. She nods. "W-we were at the p-park and man came and t-took me away. You tried to stop them but you couldn't." She burst into tears again. I hug her tighter. "I was so scared daddy! I don't want to be taken away from you!" She cries. I sigh and say. "Scarlett listen to me. No one is going to take you away from me. I promise. And if they do I will search land and see to find you." She smiled slightly. "Really?" She asked in a whisper. I nod. "Really." I whisper back. She snuggles up to my chest and I continue to hug her. "Come on. You can bunk in with me." I tell her with a smile. Her tiny teary face lights up and she climbs into bed next to me. I lie down next her and she cuddles me. I wrap my arms around her so she feels safe. "I love you daddy." She whispers. I smile and whisper. "I love you to my little ray of sunshine."

**to morning**

"Daddy! Come on! We need to go get Uncle Trott and Uncle Smith!" Scarlett cheered as I chased her down the corridor. She stopped at door no.143. Trott and Smith's room. She knocked three times. Like she would usually. And it opened. "Uncle Smith!" She yelled. Smith stood at the door with a smile. "Morning kiddo! You ready?" He asked as he pick her up. She nods. "Let's go to Gamecon!" She beamed.

***To GAMECON!!*** (Yeah she only says Gamecon because she's 4. Gamecon! )
Scarlett P.O.V

I waited backstage with Auntie Kim. Daddy and all my Aunts and Uncles are on stage. I sat while Aunt Kim plaited my hair. She braided it into two pretty plaits. Soon after I got bored and walked around a bit. I didn't leave Kim's side though. I sat on the floor and played with the wires. It was a habit I had picked up at home. Daddy done it. But he chewed on them, I just fiddled with them. I sat for about 10 minutes when I started to smell burning. It smelt like the Barbecue we had a Uncle Duncan's a few weeks ago. I looked up the long stretch of corridor full of boxes and expensive equipment. There was an orange glow at the end of it. I stared at it and saw small figure running out of it. They were yelling something. I couldn't make it out. Suddenly a loud bell went off. I jump to my feet and the yelling got louder and clearer. "FIRE!!! THERE'S A FIRE!!" I felt the arms of Kim wrap around me and pick me up. But before she could move anywhere the was a loud bang. And a orange flash.

I awoke with no one around me. The burning smell was strong and I was choking on it. The corridor I was in was on fire. I got to my feet and saw I was covered in black powder. "D-Daddy!?" I coughed. No response. I felt tears well up. Suddenly a loud crash came from above me. I looked up to see that a burning support beam was about to fall. I gasp and run. Through the sound of the crackling fire I can hear sirens. I cough as the smoke and smell get into my lungs. Tears fell from my eyes. Making it harder to see. Suddenly I trip on some wires and fall to the ground. Then I hears another loud crash and crack. But before I could get up something fell on my back. Knocking the breath out if my system. Making me choke as the only air I could get in was smoke. I tried to get up but whatever had fallen on me had me trapped. I called out for help. But obviously no one could hear me. I grew weaker and lay down. But before my eyes slipped shut I filled my mind with memories of daddy and Uncle Simon and Auntie Hannah and Uncle Martyn. I coughed and let my eyes close. As I do I see someone running towards me... but before I can react....

Well well well.
What is it with me and anything close to death lately?

Lil' Hornby, left alone. (Yogscast/HatFilms)Where stories live. Discover now