Chapter 15 - Sleepover (Break Day part 2)

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Atsumu grumbled turning the corner, his stupid twin brother just had to lock him out of the house

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Atsumu grumbled turning the corner, his stupid twin brother just had to lock him out of the house. His parents were gone for the week so it was just the two brothers at home. To make matters worst, he had to run into a bunch of girls who couldn't shut up for the life of them. Hence, their nickname of squealing pigs, which Atsumu invented himself.

Just then he noticed a flash of brown hair walking out from a Karaoke place. Realizing it was Kimiko, he placed a hand on the girl's shoulder to stop her.

"EEK!", Kimiko shrieked petrified, it was already dark out and she was NOT about to get dragged into a shady alley and get killed. "Oh, it's you", Kimiko sighed, a look of realization settling over her features once she realized it was Atsumu.

"Oww, ya didn't have to shout", Atsumu complained, rubbing his ears causing Kimiko to give him a bashful smile.

Atsumu stifled a groaned, how could someone look that cute.

"Sorry, Atsumu-san, I didn't know it was you. Are you going karaoking too?", Kimiko said, regaining his attention.

"Oh.. uh.. no.. But you were?", he questioned, confused on why she would go sing alone.

"I came here with Bokuto and Tetsuro-san but my ears couldn't handle it anymore so I had to leave", she cringed slightly, recalling their extreme singing. It wasn't the worst singing but it was just loud. "So what are you doing at a Kareoke bar then Atsumu-san?"

The setter's eye twitched at the mention of the other two males. The thought of his poor little Kimiko being alone with those two horny bastards made him uneasy. " 'Samu locked me out of the house so now I have to find a place to stay", Atsumu responded with a growl, still annoyed at his brother.

"That's right! I forgot that you guys live in Hyogo and don't have to dorm. If you can't find anywhere to stay I have room", she offered, happy to help out a friend. In the past few days, she's grown fond of the blond twin even though he could be annoying at times.

At this, the twin perked up, thoughts running through his mind at light-speed. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to stay the night with Kimiko, he obviously wasn't going to pass it up. 'I can't wait to see Osamu's face when I brag about this later', he chuckled while imagining the look of envy on his brother's face.

"I'll take ya up on that offer, lead the way", Atsumu grinned, slinging an arm over the brunette's shoulders. Kimiko gave him a playful flick as he leaned down, laughing at his undignified expression. He pouted when she pulled away to start walking and followed closely behind her.

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