Part- 12

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Sorry for being so cruel..Get a packet of tissue😢

Let's back to story😍
Happy reading😘

Baekhyun POV
It's 11:00 p.m now..But there was no trace of Chanyeol yet..Usually he came home within 8 p.m.

"Didn’t he say, he'll come today eariler"

I didn’t want myself to worry about the jerk but who makes understand my mind..Now I'm really worried..In last 6 months he never did something immature like that..At least he could give a call. I'm seriously  getting  frustrated 😒😒I had called his number but no help, it’s switched off.

"But why would i worry about him. He is no one to me, not even friend but a employer bound to a mere paper of contract"I scolded myself for being paranoid.

It’s 12a.m the clock reminder it’s midnight.. I can't help but wait for the taller man.." No, It's already too late "
I decided to call Kai...But the  info kai gave me made me angry...Fire spreads on my whole body..He left the office early evening but he didn’t bother to come home..."Really, how irresponsible! " I know i have nowhere to question him about his personal life, but he has a son, his familyl,how could he spend his time with someone else till midnight? "

Imagine him smiling on his girlfriend bleeds my heart Over and over. "When will this fate have enough?"  I waited while reviewing my fate.

Another 40 minutes later, a loud thud echoed my ears..I hurried myself towards the door...
"Chanyeol "
"Why the hell are you so  drunk?" i tried to hold him because he couldn’t stay still on his feet.

"Don't touch me" "Don't touch me" he mumbled the same line.

"Had you hate me this much  Yeol? Your subconscious mind disgust my touch too"

"Mr.Park , let me help you..You need rest." i maintain my voice not to show my caring voice..He is just drunk somehow and he is my boss..It’s my duty to help him..I convinced myself ( but was i trying to fool myself or the readers)

Chanyeol didn’t bargain more..I carefully support him to his room..But really drunk Chanyeol is no joke😤

I made him sat on the bed..He looked not okay tonight.. What made him drunk so much.

The air  feels with silence before he felt his  hands being captured  by Chanyeol's big ones.
Chanyeol looked at me blankly more like he had battling for something..

"Are you hurt, Chanyeol? " i asked softly...He glued his eyes only on me.
His brown honey eyes are brimming with salty tears.
"Tell me,what's wrong. You are scaring me, yeol."

"I'm sorry Baek, I'm sorry" Only this left from his mouth.

" Did Something happened?  Huh! You can tell me Chanyeol" i already forgot the present hating relation between us..The only thing i care now is Chanyeol is not okay..

Chanyeol  broke down more...He cried silently asking my forgiveness. 
" Yes, i want him to say sorry for not keeping the promise we hold long back ago as a friend. But not like this."

I blinked rapidly As i feel warmth on both my eyes. I don’t to move where i am , afraid that i might have distrub Chanyeol's solemn moment. My heart is twisting badly. I never get  used to seeing Chanyeol like this.
Chanyeol is still agonizingly silent.
I can see Chanyeol bites his own lips not to let his tears flow more...As soon as i cupped his face with both  of my hands,,Chanyeol face crumpleed as he breaks down, his tears continuously fall down his face as if they were kept for a really long time.

"If it was any other normal human being, It'll be understand to be mad.To depise him . But my case is not the same... Maybe i love Chanyeol  so  much that it is just impossible  to make my heart hate him..Yes,how much Won't i scream that i hate Chanyeol, i can't fool myself.. I understand, i love Chanyeol Just selflessly." i smile bitterly at his own.

" Yeol, sleep now, everything will be okay tomorrow,"  i was tried to comfort him.

Suddenly Chanyeol hugged me with not so much pressure yet more delicately  like I'll vanished soon , if he loose the grip..

"I can't breath, Baek. How could i become this? Help me" Chanyeol blurted out what i couldn’t make any sense right now.. So i remained silent as he hugged me more.

"Stay Baek, don't leave me, forgive me, i was jerk, I'm sorry, don't hate me" he drifted into sleep mumbling those words..
I remove his coat and shoe,  don't bother to change his shirt because I'm not the one allow to touch him.Then i tucked his body under the blanket. Hope he'll be okay tomorrow morning.

I ran to my room and locked myself in darkness again. I was no longer  crying quietly, i am sobbing my heart out as loud as i could.
I wiped his tears..i just wanted to get over chanyeol, to cut the strings of pain in my heart but why do i felt pain even more?
" Can something so broken still broke further?" i built a barrier around me thought i could protect my heart by that. I can't afford to his vulnerability. All the feeling for him i buried deep inside my heart , why can't i control today...My heart crumbled seeing him crying... When he hugged me earlier why couldn’t i pushed him away? It was my Chanyeol tonight.. His delicate warm hug which i had missed past 6 years😭

Sometimes you can't explain what you see in a person.
It's just the way they take you to a place Where noone can.
I thought I'll be free from this bound. But It was just me being stupid thinking salt wound someday taste like sugar.

I was sobbing hard till sleepiness took over my awaekness.

Next morning,  Chanyeol Won't wake up for sure after last night heavy drink, Baekhyun thinks on himself..
"Yes, he is worried about what happened to Chanyeol but will it be professional to be asked". Last  night he behaved unusual only because of   alcohol  " Baekhyun  makes some hangover soup for Chanyeol... And take a glass of warm lemon water, he enters to Chanyeol's room again to wake up him..

"Mr. Park, Mr. Park, wake up..It’s already 10 p.m" he tries to wake up Chanyeol..
As the taller seems to be his  dreamland, Baekhyun had no option rather than  shake his giant body.

Chanyeol finally stirs from his sleepiness, rub his both eyes with both palm...He looks like a lost puppy now who is totally clueless about his surrounding.

"Drink this water first, you will feel better " Baekhyun gives him the lemon water. Chanyeol drinks it in a gulp obediently. May be his throat is too dry..

" Get freshen up quckily, then come to the dinning table. I had made some soup for you, it'll help you to hangover. And Kai called me earlier, i told him you can't go to the office today" Baekhyun tells  him.

Chanyeol's system is still not sober. That's the reason,  he didn’t say anything direct went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

When life gives u lemons make lemonade

Don't hate me..It was the most tough writing for me till now.So hard that i had no guts to recheck.My ultimate shipper is at pain now..Give them love..Feel free to comment about this chapter. Coz I'm depressed now😞


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