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Baekhyun's eyes are on his Stepping on the floor. He knows everyone's gazes are on him but he isn’t looking at anyone.  He feels to shy all on a sudden.. His steps are slow, he finally looks at the crowd flashing a smile while everyone is busy on taking picture why not after all today Baekhyun is the centre of the main event.

After Chanyeol proposed him, "Will you marry me, Byun Baekhyun? " Chanyeol asked him again not getting any reponse from the person before him. His face showed clearly how much he was frightened on possibility of rejection.

Baekhyun stood there dumbfoundedly. He didn’t expect this at least not now. He knew what he had to but his function didn’t help him. His mind got back in its system by Chanyeol's soothing voice yet pleading enough.

He knows what he had to. He crashed his small body with Chanyeol's large one made them fall on the sand. I love you so much Chanyeol. Thank you. Baekhyun hugs him tightly.
Huh!! Shouldn’t you say yes first, Baek?

Feeling embrassed Baekhyun snuggles on Chanyeol's Shoulder whispering "I'm  ready to become Park Baekhyun"
Under the moonlight, with a chilly breeze they promised to become one and exchanged the ring.

Baekhyun enters the Alter holding a bouquet of small White peonies on his grip holding his younger brother hand. Morelike an living Angel steps on the earth.  White Tuxedo makes his beauty extra level.

Baekhyun looks the centre of the hall room finding Chanyeol stands on the middle is watching him With his one hand on his pocket another holding Sehun's little hand.His hairs neatly pushed back, while black Tuxedo. Right now he looks breathtaking.  Baekhyun flatters by the sight of his would-be -hubby.

Everyone closer to them are present there. Their marriage is happening in Italy on Sehun's wishes. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun got here 3days ago while Mrs. byun and Tao had reached yesterday.  Chanyeol's mom came along with Jieun direct from U.S, which made Baekhyun embrassed remembering his silly assumption about Jieun .  Kai and Kyungsoo are also attending as they both are good friend to them. Chanyeol's  only cousin Junmyeon had reached today morning with his wife.

Baekhyun finally faces Chanyeol, it’s becoming clearer to him, he is marrying Chanyeol. He is marrying his best friend,  the love of his life.

The officiator and both of them are only standing.
Welcome everybody,  we all are here all together for withnessing Union of the most lovable couple.

"Chanyeol and Baekhyun " please face to each other and hold your partner hands and say your vows.

Chanyeol takes Baekhyun one hand even before he could sense. Then he takes other one tilts his head to see Baekhyun's Angelic face. He feels so warmth with those soft hands.

"Those hands are your best friend, your lover and your husband who promises you to love today, tomorrow and eternity. From now those hands are only for giving you unspoken tenderness. I'm willingly on your serve, Baekhyun" Chanyeol ends his vows with a smile rubbing Baekhyun hands.

Baekhyun nods unconsciously and looks at depth of Chanyeol's dark brown eyes.
Baekhyun now you may say your vows.

"Chanyeol you know me better than anyone in this world after my omma. There have nothing spoken to you. I only can say you are my Yeol Chan, my best friend whom i fallen in love and still i can't believe I'm marrying to you. I love you, Chanyeol. Thanks for choosing me as Your partner. I vow to be your from now" Baekhyun eyes tear up with joy.

"Ouch" Huniee why are you pinching ? Baekhyun and Chanyeol both look at their son with a confused look.

"See, you are not dreaming. Hehe" Sehun giggles and laughter filled  on the whole room.
The ring bearer bring the weeding ring to tbe couple.

Belongs to him [CHANBAEK]❤Where stories live. Discover now