Special love 1💜

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"Please Baek, at least sleep at our room on the bed,  huh! and I'll sleep at the couch if it bothers you that much" Chanyeol desperately tries to convince his angry husband. But the opposite person didn’t care to response just snuggles his face on the pillow. Sehun being a poor soul has to witness this drama on last three nights in a row. He can't understand why his mommy ( Pappa) suddenly becomes so cold towards his dadda.Cause Baekhyun treats Sehun normal but when it’s about Chanyeol he only spares a sharp glare.

"Dadda you have to sleep alone tonight again" Sehun says to Chanyeol though it happens  to a joke but his son says it seriously.  Sehun also can't bear this cold unusual environment.  With a helpless sigh Chanyeol gets up from Sehun bed leaving empty handed.

"Goodnight, love" Chanyeol turns at one last time before leaving.

"A tear escapes from Baekhyun left eyes.
Pappa why are you so stubborn than daddy?" Sehun huffs not getting any reply.

It had been three days they slept in different room different bed. Not only sleep,  Baekhyun don't talk to Chanyeol.  No greeting,  no talking at all just do his duties as a husband silently of course except sleeping together. He gets ready on everything for Chanyeol before the taller wake up, prepare  breakfast, dinner but Chanyeol didn’t find the taste which he found eating with his beautiful husband. And night, it becomes torture now for both of them.


Even they are married 4 years, anybody can mistake saying them newlywed couple.  In last 4 years their love never fades. In other way it grows strongly. Their family bond becomes their power, strength. Being a Company CEO Chanyeol never neglected his family which becomes  his heaven. Baekhyun too amazingly fall on his husband everyday. And their biggest string Sehun is 8 years now who is more mature than his age but with a full of mischievousness. But everything happened in three nights ago.

Chanyeol was stuck on meeting with foreigner clients which was organised out of blue all sudden. It was a serious meeting so he left his phone on  his office room but forgot to text his husband. He didn’t know it'll caused him a heavy price.

Chanyeol normally comes home within 8 p.m. If any urgent matters, he always informs Baekhyun beforehand. But that night clock ticked 9 p.m yet no trace of Chanyeol. Baekhyun repeatedly called his husband just expected to receive once. By the 9:40 when Chanyeol phone still unanswerable, he got tensed. He lets Sehun sleep first and tried to connect Chanyeol, left several text. He also called Jongin but same as Chanyeol no answer.

10 p.m and Chanyeol phone suddenly got unreachable. Baekhyun heart clenched with fear. He was now on verge of crying. With shaking hands, he was nonstoply calling a certain number knowing the same answer. He was crying,  he couldn’t think on right way.

"  What Will he do now,  he can't search him alone and even if he wants where?" many thoughts blocked his mind. Phone ring snapped his sense, he hurriedly picked up the call without checking caller ID.

"Hello,  Chanyeol * hiccup*"

"Oh! hyung. Me Jongin. You called me many times anything happened " Jongin casually asked completely unaware the problem.

"Jongin, Ch-chanyeo, Where *hiccup * is Chanyeol? " Baekhyun pleaded answer.

"Chanyeol hyung just left 10 minutes ago. Waee!! And hyung why are you crying? "
Before Jongin could say more Baekhyun cut the call.

Meaning Chanyeol the decades biggest dumb, totally unknown to what comes to next. He left his phone that's why he couldn’t inform Baekhyun today. And when he came back from meeting his phone was switched off. "Shit, last night forgot to charge it" he quickly took his dead mobile and left for home ( Go baby let's see how much love waits for you)

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