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Chanyeol wakes up at 5:15 a.m. He feels to much relax now. Who knows After how many days he had a nice sleep.Who knows when did he had a peaceful sleep. He yawns rubbing his eyes. After fixing his vision a thin  smile plants on his lips. Sehun is sleeping soundly with Baekhyun hand over on him. Sleeping Baekhyun's beauty is another level on Chanyeol eyes. They had slept together on same bed in their school days. Chanyeol knows every pie to pie about Baekhyun's. Baekhyun is drooling.  "You still the same Baek" Chanyeol. Chuckles looking at Baekhyun face. His lips are apart a jar drooling don't change his beauty. Chanyeol captures the rare view  which he'll about to lost  in a few days.. Little bangs fall in Baekhyun forehead touches his eyelashes.. He stirs in his deep sleep. Chanyeol touches his hairs push away making the smaller more comfortable . He stops his hand for sometime. Chanyeol touches  his bubble cheekbone. "I'll miss you, Baek"  he mumbles on himself. He peeks Baekhyun forehead lightly then kiss his son too. Sleep well my loves.

It’s only 6a.m. After doing morning activities Chanyeol come down on living room urging to have a cup of coffee. "I woke up too early today. Maybe i was slept in different room that's why and i can't go back sleep in my own room again" Chanyeol shakes his head. He feels  bore yet refresh .. Baekhyun and Sehun both are sleeping too.

Suddenly Chanyeol makes  his moves towards kitchen. He has enough time to go his office and right now he has nothing to do except being bored. So he wants to make breakfast for Baekhyun. He instructs his maid to leave for a sec. Maids are shocked too as like my readers are right now.

Being Chanyeol a billionaire, owner the whole Park Corporation with several branch on other country no one knows he can cook.

Yes, Chanyeol is a great cook. He is Just too much perfect on  his own style. He may be dumb or silly whatever you think but he isn’t spoil brat like rich peoples. So on the short note he can cook. ( Except only rice😝)

Chanyeol decides to cook Baekhyun favourite breakfast.  He'll make pancake . Simple yet sweet just like Baekhyun.
"What are you thinking?  Chanyeol hits his own head.
He mixes all ingredients first. Put a flat nonstick pan on induction in a low heat for preheat .

After 30 minutes all pancakes are already made perfectly. Chanyeol pours some honey syrup top of pancakes as per Baekhyun's likings. He sets the table  with pancake and orange juice before calling Baekhyun.

But Baekhyun is already on dining table. He woke up 1 hour ago. Seeing no trace of Chanyeol he assumed the taller maybe left at midnight.  He did his morning activities then freshen up Sehun. By that time he came to the kitchen a sweet aroma hits his nostrils. He can't be mistaken it’s his favourite pancake. But every morning breakfast are scramble egg, toast with tea / coffee  or sandwich ,bacon with juice or some more fruits . Otherwise if i make something different that's another topic, Baekhyun thought on his mind coming down the stairs. He is surprised seeing Chanyeol on dining table with wearing apron.

" Why are you wearing this? And Where is the maid?" Baekhyun asks.

"I borrowed  the kitchen for 2 hours" Chanyeol replies removing his apron over his head.

Baekhyun's eyes are gilitering upon seeing  his favourite pancake. His mouthnis watering. "You made this?" he suspects the taller.
"Yes, i have nothing to do this morning and moreover i craved for pancake, so i cook" expertly he hides that it’s for Baekhyun. Sit, have some, he offers the standing person.

"You eat.  I'll feed Sehun. He is awaken already " Baekhyun is about to leave the place. Chanyeol cuts him...

"Let Ms. Hana feed Huniee. You eat now. Pancake Won't taste good when it cold"  Chanyeol stops him immediately.

But.. Sehun.

He'll be okay. Eating won't take you  two  hours, is it? Chanyeol requests.

"Ok"  Baekhyun eats with his eyes closed absorbing the tenderness of sweet pancakes. He pours extra honey syrup on them.

"Ummmmm" he moans at chewing the food.

"Is it that much good, Baek?" Chanyeol mocks at Baekhyun.

"Yes, it is delicious.  You still cook great" Baekhyun blurts out without any thinking. Then he understand what did he said.

Chanyeol catch the sudden reason of Baekhyun silence. So he ignores him intentionally. "Then eat more" he picks another pancake on Baekhyun plate.

"Ahh I'm full now" Baekhyun rubs his flat tummy.
Chanyeol smiles at his overloaded cuteness.  His hard works Won't fail, he thought.

"Baek, I'll come soon today and dinner together. Ok?" Chanyeol reports him.

"Ok, we'll wait" Baekhyun shows him puppy smile.

"No, hyung,no. I can't do this" kai shakes his head at Chanyeol.
Please kai, try to be understand. You are the most trusted person in here beside you are my close friend. So i can't give this responsibilities to anyone except you. Please accept this" Chanyeol literally pleads to Kai.

"But why hyung? Why are you suddenly going back to U.S.?"  Kai asks him.

"I have to go, kai. I have to bring everything in place" Chanyeol replies sadly.

"Did Baekhyun hyung know?" Kai wants to know the truth.

" No, he can't be" Chanyeol flinches at Baekhyun name. And don’t let him know you too please.

Kai sighs. He can't understand their love. For sure everything became normal than before in last few days. Chanyeol seemed to be happy, smiled a lot more that he left early every evening. Sometimes took leave too. Then why suddenly does he desperate to leave?

Make documents ready, Kai. I leave the company on your hand. I trust you. And next week is Baekhyun birthday. I want to give him a surprise. Arrange everything for me. Let me know then, Chanyeol tells Kai.

"Ok, hyung. I'll let you know as soon i arrange " Kai leaves the CEO room.

Chanyeol  dips into his thought.
He wants to hold Baekhyun back. Make him his, shows his love.  But with which face will he stand before Baekhyun? When he can't forgive himself,then how would Baekhyun do? Or maybe Baekhyun is enough kind to forgive me. But would it be right thing? Baekhyun doesn’t deserve this. He can't take advantage on Baekhyun generousity.

" If i have to endour the pain to give you happiness,  I'll do it"   On the thought leaving you make my heart bleeds. " How can i let you go from me? Chanyeol's eyes get wet in tears.

He doesn’t have idea how long he was drown into his deep thought. He checks on his wrist watch.

"Oh, shit...... I'm doomed" he leaves his office more like running away.

Will they really apart in 2nd time?
How will Baekhyun react this time?
Is only Baekhyun suffering no My yeollie is too😭😭😭I'm sorry my Chanbaek😭😭😭I'll try my best to give them happiness in future update😍😍😍

Don't forget to stream #telephone#nothin#onme😎😎


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