Part 3

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Tara: Y/n are you okay?

Y/n: I'm fine, I finally told Mike goodbye and that I don't ever want to see him again

Tara: Y/n do you mean that?

Y/n: Yea fuck him! he hurt me so I never want to see his dumb face again

Tara: I'm glad your finally getting over Mike, and your not letting him ruin your night.. because you don't need him so fuck him

Y/n: Yea fuck Mike

You start to laugh and start dancing with the girls you all are having a good time, until you bump into someone with beautiful blue eyes

Y/n: I'm sorry

You look at him and he has the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen

Colby: No I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going

Y/n: Your cute, what's your name??

Colby chuckles

Colby: I'm Colby

You remember that name from somewhere

Y/n: I'm Y/n nice to meet you Colby... wait are you Colby Brock??

Colby: Yeah.. wait you Y/n Y/L/n

Y/n: Yeah you're that guy that my fans said to collab with you Sam I think his name was

Colby: Yeah his name is Sam.. our fans also were talking about you in our comments saying that we have a lot in common so we should collab

Y/n: I mean we both love to go exploring sooooo.. and your really hot....

Colby laughs

Y/n: If you wanna collab I'm down

Colby: Yea for sure

Colby gives you his phone, while you were putting your number you see Colby looking up and down at you biting his lip.

Y/n: Here

You give him back his phone

Colby: Thanks maybe you wanna hang out sometime.. just us two

Y/n: Sure

Colby: Okay, well I'll see you around

Y/n: Yeah bye

Colby walks away smiling

Katrina: Y/n! Colby was so into you

Devyn: Yea did you see him bite his lip when you were putting your number

Tara: Y/n all the guys are after you

Y/n: They are not! There just being nice.. okay maybe
you said giggling

Katrina: How drunk are you?

You all laugh

About 20 to 30 minutes past you guys were talking and dancing, you started to sober up a bit and then everyone starts to leave. You guys stay because Brennen had said there was an after party. You guys walk over to a group of people

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