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oops I forgot to post this yesterday, have it now instead :D

also this chapter is a little back and forth, I'm sorry if it's confusing at all.


Grian had barely left his position next to the bed on Cleo's ship for the past week, still hoping that he'd recover, but things weren't exactly looking great.

It had been a week, Ex hadn't woken up, he was still alive, which was the best they could hope for right now, their efforts to heal him had at least kept him alive and stable.

They'd given him a couple of healing potions, Grian had even tried using magic, but his healing powers made no difference since they only seemed to work on himself.

By Sunday night, he was beginning to get desperate enough that he was contemplating calling Xisuma. Cleo had already agreed to keep this a secret but he was running out of hope by the hour.

"Please wake up..." Grian whispered, searching for some solution to this, there was nothing.

Just when he picked up his communicator, Grian saw a small movement out of the corner of his eye, putting the communicator down again and turning to look back at EX, he noticed him twitch, giving Grian a flicker of hope.

"You can get through this. I believe in you-"

"That's nice... Glad someone does." EX murmured, his eyes fluttering open, blinking at the light, he turned his head to look at Grian, who was only just managing to not hug him.

"I thought- I didn't- I was worried you wouldn't-" Grian said, stumbling over his words.

"Slow down-" EX said, giving Grian a small smile, "Where-"

"Cleo's ship. She healed you." Grian answered before EX could even ask, "Here-"

Grian handed EX a cup of water, which he took carefully with both hands, flinching at the pain in his chest as he shifted to sit up a little, drinking just a sip of the water.

"Hey Grian, how is-" Cleo called, shutting the cabin door behind her, "Oh! You're awake!"

EX looked past Grian at her, Grian turned around to look at her as well with a happy nod.

"He woke up just a minute ago!" Grian said as EX took another sip from the cup.

"That's amazing, I didn't know if you would survive, that was a bad wound..." Cleo said, coming to sit in a spare chair, "By the way, would someone mind telling me what actually happened?"

"I think I have some explaining to do." Said a different voice in the doorway, one the three could recognise anywhere.

---- a week earlier ----

Iskall returned to the main hermitcraft island, beginning to fix the redstone in Sahara that needed doing, while he was working, he let his mind wander.

What if it really wasn't EX's fault? But seeing what he'd done in the past, blowing up things, even killing people, it was so hard to trust him but seeing Grian lash out at him, something the gremlin had never done, made him think. Maybe it was different now.

He couldn't get the look on EX's face out of his mind, he hadn't used magic, neither of them had. Iskall had expected EX to use his magic to kill him when he attacked, but he didn't.

Then everything clicked in his head. Evil Xisuma wasn't evil, he'd never done anything on purpose, everything Iskall thought and was told had been wrong.

What had he done?

Iskall took off, leaving the redstone half finished. The first place he went was Grian's base but there was no-one there, he looked everywhere in the huge structure before flying away, next going to hermitville.

----a few days later----

Iskall had looked everywhere he thought Grian might be, after not finding him, he began looking in other places, In his base, stress' base, Scar's, Cub's, Xisuma's, he even looked in Concorp.

He'd looked almost everywhere, having completed almost a full circle, the last place he had to look was Cleo's ship. He landed on the deck, beginning to look around, coming to a cabin with a shut door, he could hear voices inside.

"Hey Grian, how is-" It was Cleo's voice, and Iskall could make out Grain's name. He silently pushed open the door, looking into the room, He could see Cleo and Grian sat on chairs next to a bed, which EX was led in, he had bandages wrapped around his chest.

"Would someone mind telling me what actually happened?" Cleo asked the question directed at Grian, but Iskall stepped forward.

"I think I have some explaining to do."


So yeet!

EX is alive :D you didn't think I'd really kill him, did you? haha, probably, but meh.

now y'all don't have to murder me (hopefully) :D

hope you enjoyed,


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