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Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, guns fired, magic lit up the area in front of them, but no-one was hurt, neither the authorities nor the hermits, aa bright white light began to pulse through the crowd in waves.

The white light in question was coming from the infinity portal, Xisuma yelled something no-one could hear, the hermits slowly realised they couldn't hear anything, all they could see was the light.

The hermits watched at the authorities were pushed back with very wave of light, soon there was none in sight.

After a few minutes, the light began to fade and X fell to the ground, exhausted. The hermits stood in a stunned silence for a second

The silence was broken when Stress let out a cry of pain. False and Cleo fell to their knees next to her, reassuring her that everything would be alright while Doc, Bdubs and Keralis went to Xisuma, who was barely able to keep himself awake. 

EX and Iskall went quickly to Grian's side, the small hermit was barely able to stay on his feet. magic fizzed at his fingertips though he couldn't do anything with it just now.

Joe went through the group, dealing out healing potions to the injured, once he'd passed them out he went to help Cleo and False with Stress, since she needed a little more than a healing potion to help her.

The two girls and Joe lifted Stress carefully and took her to one of the medical bays in the closest hangar. 

As soon as she was sat down on the bed with her back to the wall, Joe and Cleo got to work while False sat next to the bed, holding Stress' hand and trying her best to comfort her.

After a few rushed preparations Joe bean to carefully remove the bullet from her leg while Cleo held her so she couldn't move, Stress whimpered in pain.

"Sorry Stress.. this is going to hurt- we don't have any anesthetic." Cleo apologised as Joe continued to work as quickly as he could while still remaining careful.

As Joe removed the bullet blood started running down her leg quicker than before, he quickly pressed gauze soaked in healing potion to the wound as Cleo fumbled with another of the potions.

"have her drink this." Cleo instructed, handing False the bottle of pink liquid, "Quickly."

False nodded, uncapping the bottle and moving to press it to Stress' lips, she drank the sweet liquid quickly through quiet whimpers of pain as the wound began to heal over.

After a few long minutes Joe removed the gauze, the wound was now barely a cut thanks to the potions.

"It's pretty much healed now." Joe began cleaning up the blood as he talked, "You'll have a scar and it'll definitely be sore for the next few days, you might have some trouble walking- the potions healed the wound but you'll still be feeling it for a while."

Stress nodded, whimpering quietly as she moved her leg a little, flinching slightly at the pain.

"We'll help you Stress, don't worry." Cleo smiled,, False quickly came around the bed so she could offer her own support.

Once Joe was done, the two girls helped Stress up, the brunette leaned heavily on them both as they helped her out of the room and back outside, where the hermits were getting ready to leave.


"You helped us?" X muttered tiredly, looking up at EX who had come to stand over him, looking down worriedly at the admin.

"I did- you think I was going to let you all fight this alone? Even if all of you hate me." EX replied, "They almost got me and Gri." 

"They- They did?" X asked, his eyes widening a little.

"Yeah they did." EX said before pausing, "Also- I'm sorry for everything I've done- you know I didn't mean any of it- right? I can't control my magic half the time-"

"I know- maybe I should have realised a lot sooner… I could have helped stop so much from happening." X said quietly, a quiet yawn escaping him.

"Yeah well- it's done now, Maybe- maybe we could- I mean-" EX stopped, unable to think of the right words, he simply held out his hand to X, "Brothers?"

"Brothers." X shook EX's hand with a smile, a smile spread across EX's face before he ran back to Grian, picking up the smaller hermit bridal style and turning back to the portal.

"Here's to a great reset- So much happened in the last two years, not even mentioning this last day," X said, his exhaustion was obvious in his voice, though he was now standing, leaning heavily on Doc.

"I'm happy to welcome my brother, Evil Xisuma- who's not as evil as I thought- to our group, and now we have to get through the portal, to Reset 7, and hope this never-" And he passed out, right in the middle of his sentence.

"And hope this never happens again." Doc finished for the admin, picking him up easily and stepping through the portal to the new world.


"This again." Grian said tiredly, resting his head on EX's shoulder.

"It'll be easier this time." Iskall said patting Grian's shoulder with a smile, before walking forward and stepping into the portal.

"If not please don't throw up on me." EX said with a smile, Grian scoffed.

"If I throw up you can't do anything about it." 

EX just rolled his eyes and carried grian through the swirling portal, the falling sensation taking hold as they went to the new world.


Cleo and Stress went before false, Cleo helping stress into the portal and False quickly following after them.

Not far behind, Joe headed through and the others continued to follow after until the old world was empty and the next reset finally began.


That's it guys.

that's the end, right there.

please don't stop reading here though, since I have a few things to say to all of you

first of all, thank you guys so damn much, your comments mean the world to me and I love seeing them pop up in my notifications. thank you guys for 29.2k reads like damn that's a lot for just 23 (not including this one) story parts. and also thank you guys for getting me to No1 in the #grian tag?? (at least as I'm writing this) like seriously what the heck?

so thank you all so much.

Second, I want to ask you all something.

what is next?

I want to write more for this au I've created Because I love it so damn much, I have two different options of what I could do, I have one I'd prefer, but I want to hear you guys' opinions as well, since you'll be reading it (hopefully lol)

1: I make a oneshots book/short stories book for this au specifically, this would consist of things like backstories, different things from other hermits point of views, and general random short stories/oneshots I have ideas for.

2: A sequel. this would be a follow on from this book, I don't really have an idea for a plot right now but I'm sure I could think of something, and this would most likely still be from Grian's point of view.

so which would you guys prefer to read? or do you not want anything else? just gimme you're opinion :D

now that that's done, for the last time in this book,

I hope you enjoyed


ps: I love y'all <3

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