Deranged: II.

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"Shit." Katsuki whispered as he accidentally locked eyes with his patient.

Shoto was shirtless and only wearing white track pants, showing off his muscular build. He slouched down forwards on a metallic chair, wearing handcuffs which engulfed his whole hands, reaching his forearms. His arms and ankles were chained to the floor. He wore a thick metal mask. He seriously looked more like a prisoner, not a patient. His uniform even stood out from the rest. The others were only wearing white buckled coats while he wore metal chains as if he were a caged animal. This must've been what the security does once a new psychiatrist came to visit Shoto.

There was an empty metallic chair which Katsuki chose to sit on.

"Sup, weirdo." The ash blond said, slamming down his clipboard on the metallic table which separated them.

Shoto looked at Katsuki with an emotionless face, giving a glare.

"Ha, that's right. You can't talk, can you? Loser." Katsuki scoffed, picking up his pen.

The patient was astounded, narrowing his eyes in return. Despite being the most notorious criminal, his psychiatrist was treating him as if he were just a joke. He hoped that he wasn't like the rest.

The ash blond studied the man who was in front of him. Seriously? Katsuki thought. How was he supposed to "calm him down"? The two-tone wouldn't even be able to respond.

The spiky haired male stood up and opened the door to reveal his boss who was on his phone.

"Take the mask off this guy." Katsuki demanded.

Aizawa sighed, looking up from his screen. "Do it yourself." He tossed him the keys for the other's mask.

"Shit. Whatever." Katsuki closed the door again, walking towards the boy.

"Don't do shit, aight? I'm removing this garbage off your face, so be thankful." The ash blond unlocked the mask, letting it fall to the floor which remained clear white. White enough that it was almost blinding.

Shoto looked up at Katsuki with another emotionless face.

Katsuki walked back to his seat and began questioning his patient.

"How old are you?"

The two-toned boy only continued to look at Katsuki.

"20." He replied, his voice deep and stoic.

Katsuki could see every time the other male took a breath.

"You single?" It was unnecessary, but he only had to entertain the boy.


Katsuki wrote it down on his wooden clipboard.

"What did you do to get in here?"

Shoto didn't reply. It might've been personal.

"Hm. Okay, ignore that." The ash blond tapped the pen underneath his chin.

"When did you start doing illegal shit?"


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