Deranged: V.

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"Hey." Katsuki answered, completely forgetting what he was just stressing about earlier. Shoto was shirtless again. Why couldn't they find a shirt for the dude?

"Why aren't you here?"

"I have a fever, dimwit." Katsuki pressed his phone to his ear with his right shoulder as he took his chopsticks. He continued to eat while talking to his patient.

"Can I see him?" The ash blond heard the two-tone ask his boss.

"Hold on." Katsuki put his chopsticks down as he used his bowl to hold his phone up vertically. He pressed the camera icon, waiting for the other side to accept.

"Bakugou?" Shoto asked, holding the phone.

"I see you're not in chains anymore, eh?"

Shoto stared attentively at Katsuki as he reached forward for his chopsticks, exposing a bit of his chest while he tried to munch on his soba which was now cold.

"What are you eating?" Shoto asked, snapping out of his daze.

"Cobe Boba." Katsuki mumbled while trying to slurp his noodles.

"Boba?" Shoto asked, Katsuki's chest still on the screen.

"Cold. Soba." Katsuki said, swallowing his noodles. He put his chopsticks back on the tray and leaned back to see his patient properly. "What do you usually eat there?"

"Fucking oatmeal." Shoto answered, trying to  sit down on the metal chair where they had their first "conversation".


"You shouldn't be so apologetic for things you don't do."

"Sure. By the way, is Aizawa still there?"

"The man with long black hair?"


"No. You know, he looks like the father of one of the people here. But... Older."

Katsuki chuckled softly. "What's their name?" He asked.

"Hitoshi Shinsou."

"Do you want me to help them ins-"

"No. What the hell?" Shoto interrupted. "Why would I let you do that?"

"Do what?"


Knock knock knock.

"Katsuki I have your medicine. I'm coming in." His mother said, opening the door.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Shoto asked, furrowing his brows.

"No she's my mom. Can't you see the resemblance?" Katsuki stood up, walking over to his mother. He took the medicine from his mother, closing his door afterwards.

"So you're sick?" Shoto asked as he saw the ash blond heading back to his seat.

"Yeah. I just said that earlier, didn't I?" He opened his tiny box, taking two circular pills and gulping them down with water.

"You work out?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing. I just didn't expect a psychiatrist to work out. You have pretty chubby cheeks, too."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"You're not that chubby." Shoto paused. "Are you insecure?"

Katsuki looked into Shoto's eyes through the screen. "Yeah. What about it? Are you going to judge me for it?" Katsuki asked, his furrow fading as it got replaced with a tiny frown.

"No. I can help you get rid of your insecurity."

Katsuki sighed. "How? I'm a bad person."

"If you were, you'd be in prison. Besides, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen so far." Shoto rested his chin on his knee, holding his shin with both his hands for support.

Katsuki jolted, darting his eyes back at the screen. "Idiot. I'm handsome, not beautiful." He averted his gaze again, looking at a Cherry Blossom outside his window.

"You're beautiful in my eyes."

Katsuki felt his heart flutter, making him lean his head back on his chair and looking up at the ceiling. "Shut up." He demanded, earning a low chuckle in response.

"About yesterday... You asked about me being sad." The ash blond reminded.

"You really want me to stop complimenting you so we could talk about sad shit?" The two-tone's voice was stoic as ever.

"I just..." Katsuki stopped, a faint ringing sound replacing his voice. He felt a headache coming, and it did not feel great. It never did. "I'm tired." He stood up and took his phone with him as he laid back down on his bed.

"Time's up." He heard his boss in the distance.

Katsuki's eyes slowly fluttered closed as he heard yelling from the other side of the phone, slowly drifting to sleep as he heard the last words come out of the phone.

"Give it back!"

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