Deranged: IV.

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"Katsuki... Help..."

The ash blond woke up immediately, sitting up on his bed, reaching out for the air with his hands as he panted slightly.

"Are you okay, Katsuki?" His mother asked worriedly, sitting on the small white tub accent chair which laid in the corner of his room.

"You screamed earlier, so I came here. It looked like you were just having a nightmare, so I decided to stay until you woke up. Are you okay?" She stood up and walked over to Katsuki, gently stroking his spiky hair as she sat down next to him.

"I- y-yeah... I'm fine. I... I can't go to work today." Katsuki answered.

"That's fine. You can rest." She reassured.

"Where's father?"

"He's already at work."

Katsuki looked at his clock on the wall.

"1:00 pm."

How unusual. He'd regularly wake up 9 hours earlier since he's always slept early.

"Is there food downstairs?" Katsuki questioned, earning a nod in return.

The ash blond male sighed, slouching back down on his white sheets.

Mitsuki moved her hands to her son's forehead, moving his bangs out the way. He was heating up, a lot warmer than usual.

"You have a fever, Kat." Mitsuki said, her soft smile faded away as it got replaced with a worried expression. "What happened? Slept too long? Are you depressed?"

"I don't know..." He answered.

Mitsuki was worried. Her son wasn't acting like his usual hot-headed self, so she decided it would be best for a temporary change.

"Stay here, I'm getting your food." She stood up, leaving Katsuki's room, closing the door behind her as she walked out.

The ash blond male sat back up, his room lit up by the sun's rays of light. He looked to his left where his large window was located. The sky was blue, a couple of clouds blocking the sun as the tall green grass swayed in the wind. There was a number of Japanese Cherry Blossoms here and there, a small amount of the pink leaves falling.

Katsuki looked down at his current outfit. He was only wearing a white silky robe with nothing underneath. He must've fallen asleep right after he took a shower.

His door creaked open, revealing his mother who was holding a tray of warm soba with a glass of water and chopsticks.

"Katsuki," she said, placing the tray on his wooden black office table. "Here's your meal. I'm going to buy some medicine for you. Don't leave the house without telling me." She walked to her son, placing a soft kiss on his forehead as she left him alone in his room again.

Katsuki stood up, walking over to his desk that faced his window. He sat down on his black office chair, taking his phone out from the pocket of his robe and went to his contacts, scrolling down to a certain person. 

"Bossy old man"

'Should I call off?'

Katsuki began to ponder. Maybe he could still talk to his patient on FaceTime...

Should he even talk to his patient after having a nightmare about him?

Katsuki shook it off. He couldn't possibly have feelings for his patient. That's simply paradoxical, especially to Katsuki...

'I wanted the money in the first place, right? To make mother proud, right? I absolutely did not develop feelings for a psychotic brute.'

Katsuki just doubted himself every second, sweat forming from his sweat glands as he thought about the grim consequences. His family might not even approve of him. Hell, there might be a high possibility Katsuki might fall in love.

The ash blond male sighed, placing his phone down as he replaced them with his chopsticks. He'd be lying if he wasn't stressed as fuck at the moment. His hair might even begin to slowly fall out. Maybe he'd gain wrinkles.

He picked up a clump of noodles.

What were they? Soba?

Katsuki stares at the noodles for a while as he remembered that this was his patients favorite meal. Except, he liked it cold, if he remembers correctly.

He opened his mouth and munched on his meal.


Utter perfection. Not only was his mother an expert at anesthesiology, but she was an excellent cook. Maybe even better than one of the current most famous Chefs in Japan. What's that even mean? Katsuki knew those chefs wouldn't be able to stand against his mother's cooking.

He moaned, closing his eyes as he devoured the delicious meal upon him.

He opened his eyes back open as his phone vibrated against the wooden black table, interrupting his delicious meal.

Looking over his right arm, he looked at who it was.

"Bossy old man"

Ugh, of course.

He dropped his chopsticks on his pale wooden tray his mother gave him. He picked up the phone, answering the call and holding his against his right ear.

"Katsuki," Aizawa started. "Your patient's waiting for you."

"I can't come today."

"Why not?" His boss's voice was monotone as always, almost sounding like he never had an interest in anything.

"I have a fever, old man." Katsuki answered calmly. "I might infect him."

He heard his boss sigh. "Alright, just come when you're available. Just know that your patient's been yelling death threats loud enough for everyone in the building to hear."

Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows, looking back at his half-empty bowl of noodles. "What's he saying?"

"Where is my help? Give him to me! I'll kill you all!" Aizawa yelled one a hushed tone, mimicking Shoto. "Oh, um. He's also been punching his door. He's a pretty strong kid, I mean. He's been punching hard enough that I could see small dents outside his door."

"Well," Katsuki huffed, sitting crisscross on his chair. "I guess I could go on FaceTime." He looked outside his window as the clouds slowly drifted away from the sun.

"You sure? I mean-"

"Yes means yes, doesn't it, boss?" Katsuki cut off, getting impatient.

"Alright, just making sure." He heard his boss pull the metal door open as it screeched. Katsuki could hear his boss getting yelled at by his patient from the other side of his phone.

"Bakugou?" He heard his voice.

Katsuki smiled softly as he felt a heavy weight leave his chest.


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