Deranged: IX

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Shoto sighed, closing the door behind him.

"Hello. You must be Katsuki's patient." Shoto was greeted with a soft smile by an ash blond woman.

"You must be his mother."

"Yes. Take a seat, don't just stand there." She chuckled softly.

Shoto walked over to her slowly, taking a seat next to the kindhearted woman.

The two-tone looked at the ash blond woman, expecting a conversation to start.

Mitsuki turned her head slowly to face Shoto, eyes wide open as a giant smile formed on her face.

"Wake up, Shoto!" She screamed.

Shoto sat there, staring at the woman. He was just having those visions, again. How annoying.

"Excuse me?" Mitsuki asked, her voice soft and full of concern. "Are you okay? You've been staring at me like that for a couple of seconds now."

"Oh, yes. I suppose I was just hallucinating..." Shoto placed his hand on his forehead.

"Sweetie, do you need to take your medicine?" Mitsuki asked.

Maybe he just needs to take his meds...

Shoto just nodded in response.

"Okay, stay here. I'll go ask Katsuki where he put your prescription pills." She walked off, going towards Katsuki's door.

Shoto just sat there as his thoughts took over.

'Have they been giving me real medicine?'

'They hate me, don't they?'

'They're probably laughing behind my back.'

'Ha, anyway I'll be out in one-'

"Hey." Mitsuki cut his thoughts off, holding a bottle of pills with her right hand. Massey left Katsuki's room in search for something.

Mitsuki handed him the bottle of pills right after she twisted the cap open.

"He said you didn't need water to swallow it down for today." She smiled softly. "He said he wanted to see you."

Shoto nodded, standing up to head over to Katsuki's room.

The ash blond was standing up, his fingers fidgeting with his hospital dress.

"Uh... Hey..." Katsuki spoke.

"Are you okay?" The two-toned male asked.

Katsuki began chuckling, his eyes fixated on the tiled floor.

"Are you okay? You don't seem to understand what's happening."


"Hm? I said hey..." Katsuki was apparently looking at Shoto the whole time.

"You were just laughing at me."

"I wasn't..."

Shoto sighed, gripping Katsuki's shoulders.

"I love you..." Katsuki mumbled, Shoto's grip loosening. "I-I know I'm not allowed to, but I-"

He was cut off, the door opening to reveal the brown haired father.

"What's happening here?"

𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 // 𝐓𝐃𝐁𝐊Where stories live. Discover now