Deranged: VII.

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"Katsuki." Shoto said, instantly standing up as the door closed. He walked to Katsuki, stumbling a bit since his arms weren't there to support him. "Oh. Well I was trying to go for a hug, but..."

The ash blond chuckled softly, hugging the two-tone gently. "I mi-" Katsuki cut himself off. He shouldn't feel this way. He pulled away from the hug, adjusting his coat as he sat down on the metal chair.

Shoto followed, sitting across from Katsuki. "So is your fever gone?" He asked.

Katsuki cleared his throat, taking out the Alprazolam pill bottle out of his pocket. "They told me to give you these for today." He said, opening the bottle and standing up to get a glass of water from the pitcher.

Katsuki dragged his chair to sit next to Shoto as soon as he placed the items on the metal table.

The ash blond started unbuckling the other's coat.

"You're not going to feed me?" The two-time asked, slightly tilting his head to his right.

"I- well... I guess some things change, huh?" Katsuki said, forcing a small smile onto his face as he finished unbuckling Shoto's coat.

'Wow, I guess they really did have clothes.' Katsuki thought, taking a quick look at the white tank top his patient was wearing, the white coat falling to the floor. It made a thump noise due to the coat weighing about 5 lbs.

The ash blond watched attentively as the two-tone poured 2 pieces of Aprazolam out of the bottle, tossing it into his mouth and swallowing it along with the provided water.

Katsuki eyed Shoto's neck as he gulped down half of the glass of water, the hot-head's lips slightly parted as he looked completely lost in his thoughts.

The way his patient's Adam's Apple could be seen clearly as it bobbed while he swal-

"Bakugou?" Shoto asked, a worried look on his face as he looked at his psychiatrist. "Are you okay?" He slouched, resting his chin on his knee. He was hugging his right leg, again.

"Oh- I- Sorry. I was completely zoning out, wasn't I?" Katsuki chuckled nervously, looking down at the floor.

Katsuki felt Shoto lift his chin up gently, making direct eye contact afterwards.

"You good?" His patient asked.

Katsuki's face softened. He wasn't smiling, nor was he scowling. He just looked... Depressed? Off? He wasn't acting like his usual self.

It's as if the patient and their psychiatrist had switched roles. How odd.

Shoto's other hand reached up for Katsuki's forehead, lifting his spiky bangs out of the way. It was warm. No, hot. His psychiatrist's heating up.

"You still have a fever!" Shoto said in a hush tone, his face slowly turning disappointed.

Katsuki was still looking at his patient's eyes softly, his lips still parted as his eyelids began gaining weight.

"I love you..." Katsuki whispered.

"What?!" Turns out Katsuki wasn't loud enough.

The ash blond's eyes fluttered closed, his weight falling onto Shoto's body. He felt his legs cling onto Shoto's waist, his arms loosely wrapping around his patients neck and his face buried into the crook of his neck as he got carried towards the metal door.

"Hey! Bakugou! Help!" Shoto began pounding on the door, the racket echoing in throughout the hallway.

The door opened, revealing his boss who's eyes were widening by the second, not that Katsuki could actually see him.

"WHAT THE HELL? DO SOMETHING!" Shoto yelled, his voice full of worry. That's funny. Katsuki felt as if his eardrums would've ruptured if Shoto kept yelling.

"I'll handle this." Aizawa said as Katsuki felt a pair of arms attempt to pull him off.

Katsuki hugged Shoto tighter. He didn't want to let go. Why would he?

"Stop! You're just hurting him!" He heard Shoto yell.

"Shit! Just come with me!"

Katsuki smiled softly into Shoto's neck as he mumbled words only he, himself, hear, again.

"I'll always love you."

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