Deranged: XI.

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2 years have passed ever since the incident. Albeit, Shoto would still have to stay for 20 more years, supposedly.

Yes, Katsuki still visited Shoto every now and then. The ash blond felt as if they'd get even closer due to how many conversations they started. He didn't even care about the money anymore. He knew he'd only be lying if he said he did.

Aizawa wouldn't be there most of the times, leaving the two unsupervised. The keys? Katsuki figured out that they've been in the front desk the whole time. His boss just always came earlier than him.

In the morning, the pair would talk about personal issues and how Shoto should handle his deranged mental state. In the evening, they would talk about certain family members. The ash blond even got a chance to imagine how Shoto's father looked due to the details he would give him from time to time. In the night... Who knows?

Sometimes, Katsuki's father would assume he went missing. But, it turns out he'd only been visiting his patient.

Masaru was worried during these times. Sure, his son was taking care of not only a demented person. But, he was also the most infamous crime syndicate in Japan.

Mitsuki on the other hand knew about the whole situation. She made a deal with Katsuki that she's support him no matter what. Katsuki was her son and no one else's. not even Masaru's. At least, that's what it felt like nowadays.

Katsuki's relationship with his father only got worse as his love for them drifted away. It was odd how he thought he had more in common with Shoto.

Every time he came home, his attitude towards his father would change slightly. He knew he was changing, but he didn't expect his father to know. Masaru began assuming every night that Katsuki was "infected" by Shoto Todoroki. Probably even being manipulated by the lunatic of a patient he had. Katsuki ignored his words of worry as if he were just a stranger.

In fact, all he'd care about was a certain day Shoto told him about. "Big day". He couldn't even imagine what the two-tone was talking about. He was just excited. Probably even ecstatic. Katsuki thought it was weird once, but he shook it off.

All he knew was that big day was today:
Friday at 2:00 a.m.

Katsuki woke up, tossing the sheets to the side of his bed. He already slept as much as he could in the morning to prepare for tonight.

He did his morning routine as fast as he could. He shouldn't be wasting time. He's been waiting for this day to spend with Shoto. He might've been manipulated or turned into a different person, but Katsuki didn't care. All that mattered was what would be happening later.

The ash blond scurried down the stairs without his white coat on.

"Katsuki! Where do you think you're going?" Masaru asked, his eye bags showing clearly through his glasses.

Katsuki snorted, looking at his father. "Get some rest, old man. You don't have to rush about looking like a skeleton." He patted his shoulder, rolling his eyes as he started unlocking the front door.

"I swear, Katsuki! If you're going to visit your patient-"

"You should be more like mom." Katsuki cut off, slamming the door shut.

The ash blond male ran to his new car, buckling in as soon as he got inside. It was a Ferrari, matte black, a simple color that Katsuki liked. He still wasn't sure if it was an actual color, though. There were many debates about it on the internet nowadays.

Without turning on the radio, he sped past the red traffic lights that were in his way. At this time, no one was out. The traffic lights didn't even have a camera, so what was the point in stopping?

"State Mental Asylum," read the sign. It was the only time Katsuki actually took at least a quick glance at the sign. Mhm, 3 years of experience driving inside the parking lot and it's the first time he's seen the ginormous sign.

He stopped at his usual parking space where he got jump-scared by his boss on his first day.

Once he was inside, he was greeted by the only two people who were currently working in the building who he ignored. The ash blond male grabbed the keys, speed-walking towards the elevator.

Gee, it was like his first day. Except he wasn't with his boss and he was the one holding his keys. He even acted like a different person which he didn't realize himself.

The elevator dinged, stopping at the biggest room in the building. He unlocked the door, revealing his patient who was sitting down on the metal chair where they first had a chat.

Shoto gave a small smile as he slightly raised his chin up, leaning back on his chair as he rested his arms on the armrests. He was wearing his white tank top again.

Katsuki chuckled in response, sitting on his chair right after closing the gigantic door. It was a brand new door, a plain white one. Anyway, it complimented the room's theme. All white.

Shoto slouched down onto his chair, still making eye contact with his psychiatrist.

"We're breaking me out."


Sequel: Notorious: July 21, 12:00 p.m.: 2020

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