Chapter 14

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     "I would introduce you to my brother but it seems you've already gotten acquainted to him. " I jokingly told Perrie. it was sort of surprising that Karl would let someone in without even knowing yet if I knew the person. Good thing is that it was Perrie. If it was any other person,  not that I know any enemy around here anyway,  there would arise another war between him and me.

     "Yeah, we didn't talk much though." Perrie informed me.

     Truth is, me and Karl are really close. He just became quite cold to me when he came a few days ago . We haven't seen  each other ever since the accident. What I could remember was that he was the one to drive me home from the hospital.

     He used to be very fond of Jesy too. But lately, he would not even want to talk about her with me. He even told me once to stop leaving a sandwich for Jesy. Of course, I knew he meant me to leave her to starve. I know that she has heard him groan whenever I mentioned her name to him and she would definitely not want to step out of her room. She maybe hating him too now.

     "Are you alright?" I heard Perrie ask, taking me out of that contemplation.

     I nodded.

     "You seemed  to be so deep in thought." A worried look showed in her kind blue eyes.

     I shrugged and sighed. "It's just that Karl seems weird to me lately "

     I wouldn't expect her to know how Karl is usually or how we were before the here and now. She just met him anyway.

      "Well, about that..." her toning down her voice did not go unnoticed at all. "Maybe we should talk outside." Her eyes were vigilantly upon the door through which my brother had disappeared, as if she feared his appearing suddenly from within. Did his attitude spook her now?

     "I just gotta go leave Jesy's daily bread." I told her.
Just as I was to enter the kitchen, Karl came out carrying a jar of peanut butter that I knew he found among the stuff I brought home.
   "You and I are allergic to these."


     As Jade's brother appeared from the kitchen, I noticed Jade stiffen at the sight of the jar of peanut butter. Good God I never brought her anything with peanuts in the past. I would have dug her a grave.
     "It's not for you or me." She muttered, taking the jar from Karl and walking off to the kitchen. I could hear her opening cupboards and cutlery as well as dishes from where I stood in the living room.

     Karl very heavily sighed, rolling his eyes. I realized it was for Jesy. I remember seeing the wasted sandwich that lay on the stairs when I found her fallen.

     "Who is it for then, huh?"

     Feeling the tension, I had to speak up.

     "She actually stocks some for me. I like peanut butter." I don't.

     She came out holding the plate of sandwich she just made.

     I winked at her. She had that puzzled look. I may have told her before that I don't like peanut butter, even though I love nuts.

     "Good. At least it's not for something that doesn't benefit you." He said, still talking to her.

     Jade slammed the plate on the living room table.

     "And what's wrong with making one for Jesy?" She slumped on the couch, frowning.

     Karl sighed. I can feel tempers rising.

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