new year's eve drama

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maya pov

i spent almost a week here now with the boys and every day been amazing, they are all like my big brothers accept Lucas who am gaining feelings for is weird. today is new year eve and the boys were out i stay home watching TV. i flip through the channels looking for something good to watch but nothing good is on so i just put on Disney channel, Jessie was on. i sat there with half attention on the TV and the other went blank. few seconds i heard the door open and slammed on it. am guessing that's the boy. five boys ran in the living room and sat down on the couch looking at me. they all look at each other then back at me. come on Austin tell her Lucas said pointing at me. tell me what i ask looking at Austin who was looking at Lucas with dirty looks. why don't you tell her since you like her he said. can someone just tell me whats going on i ask looking at Jake who roll his eyes. we were wondering if you want to go to the new year eve party he said. a party? i ask, no thank''. come on why not Lucas ask. yeah it well be fun Cody added. am just not a party type am sorry boys i said shaking my head, is not me''. please Maya with a cherry on top Bradley pleaded. i said no and there is nothing that well change my mind i said crossing my arms. come on please Maya Lucas said making a puppy dog eyes. cute i said looking at him with a smile, but no''. Cody roll his eyes and look away. Lucas got up and sat down next to me. what if i say i well guard you the whole time he said rising his eyebrows. i took a deep breath. why not break one rules maybe it well be worthy. fine i said. yay they all said cheering. but you better not leave me alone with anyone i said pointing at Lucas. he rise his hands up, i promise. here we brought you something Austin said handing me a bag. i look at them confused then look in the bag. there was a blue and red dress and a 2015 glasses with a heels. i look back up at them with my straight face. if you think am going to wear this'', then you better think again i said rolling my eyes. i told you she won't agree Jake said looking at Lucas. ooh come on your no fun Lucas said pouting. yeah i agree Cody said. i'm not a whore i said smirking. wearing a dress doesn't mean your a whore Austin said. yeah'', but if the dress is up to you tight then your a whore i said smacking his arms. at least she agree to go with us Bradley said. yeah you should be lucky i said yes i said getting up. so what are you going to wear Lucas ask. definitely not that i said picking up the bag, but i well take the glasses and shoes''. fine you won Lucas said rolling his eyes. even if you didn't say that i already won i said going up the stairs. after taken a shower, i went back inside and wore my black jeans short with my blue crop top and i wore my black jacket over it, i did my make up and spry my hair and but it in a pun, then wore the heel the guys brought me my last touch was the glasses. ready as every. i went back downstairs. you look wow Cody said smiling at me. ooh thanks i said pushing my feet deep in the shoes, i haven't even go anywhere and these shoes are killing me''. Bradley passed by laughing. come on guys lets go before we miss all the fun Austin said. are you guys even invited to this party i ask as we walk out the door. duh Bradley said rolling his eyes. your such a pain in the ass i said rolling my eyes. Lucas gasp. Maya just said her first bad word Austin said. shut up i said covering my face with my hands. don't be shy baby Lucas said wrapping his arms around my shoulder, it comes out of your mouth cute'' he added. i blush deep red. we got in Austin car and he drive. i was stuck between Lucas and Cody imagine how terrible that is. few seconds of the tow of them giving each other there dirty looks we finally got there. it was a house blasting with music. remains me of my house on Monday night. Lucas grab my hands and we went inside. so many people were on the dance floor knock out like hell. lets go seat i said leading Austin to the couch. don't you want to dance or drink something he ask when we sat down. i saw Riley and Missy passed by giving me that evil smirk . no stay here with me i said in a panic voice as i grab on to his hands. whoa baby girl claim down i won't let anything happen to you he said wrapping his strong arms around my waist. we sat like that for about 1 hours enjoying each other arms. he pulled away from me looking down at me. Maya you know i well love to stay like this but let me just get us something to drink he said. no i don't want any thing that well knock me out i said. what about a soda he ask. no please i don't want anything but you here i said. hey he said lifting my chin up to look at him, am not going to let anyone hurt you'' he added kissing my forehead. okay i said. i well be right back in a second he said kissing my cheek and got up. after Lucas walk away, i look around the room for any of the boys. thankfully Cody came and sat down next to me. so where did Lucas go he ask. ooh he went for soda i said playing with my fingers. that's cool he said moving closer, are you guys a thing'' he ask. ooh no we are not a thing i just trust him a lot i said. maybe it's because you haven't try to get to know others he said stroking my cheek. he was too close for me to think straight. Cody don't please i whisper. just when i thought things couldn't get worst he smashed his lips on mine. the weird thing is i felt Sparks just nothing like Lucas's. a cane drop making Cody jumped away from me. i look up and saw Lucas, his green eyes went drake and he fist were toghter, he was angry. Lucas please is not what you think i said getting up and walk towards him but he backed up. you mean i didn't just saw you kissing my best friend? he ask , i was gone for one second and you already kissing my best friend. dude is not her fault Cody said standing up. and you just shut up you know how i feel about her and you go kissing her, i hate tow of you he said walking away. Lucas please wait i scream after him but he kept walking i turn back to Cody with tears running down my face. now look what you did, i told you not to kiss me, just stay away from me i said walking away. i walk thought the crowd of people. i was pushed hard to the ground. i look up staring at Riley and Missy over me. awww look who's here ms fat Missy said smirking. she's a whore, you were right, she's all up on Lucas and Austin Riley said kicking my stomach. the pain ran down my body. i told you Missy said coming down to my height and slap me across my face, she steals everyone crush such a slut she added. you better stay away from Austin he well never like you fatty Riley snap steeping on my hands. Austin well never like you Riley i said trough my tears. and you think he likes you? she ask laughing coldly. he won't even look at you when he finds out you treat me like this, just like how Lucas don't look at you Missy he well never like you i said standing up with the blood over my hands i didn't care. Riley walk up to me and punish my stomach. go ahead Riley kill me, Austin well never like you anyways not only because you do this to me but because you don't have a heart i said shaking my head in tears. i can't believe i every thought you were my best friend i added. she pushed me down on the ground and started steeping on my stomach. hey stop you killing her someone scream. i was hoping it's Lucas but it was a girl with blonde hair. she kneel down beside me feeling my forehead. how can you girls hurt her like this she ask looking up at them. you have no idea, she's a bitch Riley snap walking away. i wren you to stay away from Lucas but you don't listen now i well hurt you so bad you won't be able to wake up Missy threat walking away. ooh my god are you okay? the girl ask pinking, do you want to call the cops she ask again. no it's fine, thank you i said seating up. i look up at the girl she had a blonde hair like me with gray eyes. who are you i ask blinking. am peyton list she said reaching out and shake my hands. am Maya heart i said smiling at her. Maya what happen?, are you okay Austin scream keeling down next to me. yes some girls were hitting her peyton answer for me. yeah am fine Austin thanks to peyton i said pointing at peyton. thank you peyton for helping her he said smiling at her. he give her that look and her eyes light up. they like each other i can tell. um well my brother must be looking for me i have to go peyton said getting up. ooh um thanks again peyton Austin said. i roll my eyes. ask her for her number i whisper to him. what?, no i just met her he said. hey peyton can i get you number so we can hang out sometimes i said looking up at her. ooh sure she said writing one a piece of paper and hand it to me. thank you again i said as she smile and walk away. she's really beautiful he said. whatever Austin can you please take me home i said standing up with the pain running through my body. wait aren't you coming back with us he ask. nah i think my mom is worry about me and beside we have school Monday i said. okay then he said picking me up over his shoulder. he walk thought the crowd. he put me in his car and we drove off. after a few second he pulled up in front my house. i open my door and got out leaving Austin there. as i was walking towards the proch i heard a sound scream and the person threw a bottle out the window. Austin got out grabbing my arms. are you sure it's save in there he ask. yeah trust me is just my mom she's must be mad about something i lied. okay call me when you wake up tomorrow okay he said. okay i said smiling. he kiss my cheek and hug me. be safe love you he said walking away. love you too i said waving at him. am really going to miss the boys but i can't stay there known Lucas is angry at me and Cody kissing me, i had to get away from them. when Austin car drove off i went to my window and climb through it. i look around everything was exactly like i left it. i change in my pj's and took off my makeup and lay down rethinking everything that happen today. i just sometimes hate my life. i turn off my phone and close my eyes.

author note

hey guys, first we just want to say were sorry for not updating so long. so this is our new year chapter we hope you like it and hope it's worth the wait. so this chapter is about Cody finally making a move and Maya finding out how Lucas feels about her, also Maya making a new friend. do you think Lucas well forgive Maya?, do you think Cody and Maya well be a thing?, most of all what do you think Missy and Riley well do to Maya? remember to leave all your thought and votes. are you a laya or a caya? do you think Austin should be with Camilla or peyton the new blonde hair girl?.

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