the break up

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Lucas pov

I pushed up on the bathroom door and walk through. after using the bathroom I washed my hands and walk out almost bumping into missy who was standing right in front the door. I look at her in a complete disgust rolling my eyes. I have deal for you she said. you say it Like I care I snap about to walk away put she blocked me. you either break up with the bitch or she gets more she said laughing codly. I swear you touch her things won't be good for you slut I said looking her up and down. so if your wondering were we are. in school of course and I just excuse my self to use the bathroom who knew she well follow, she's a fucking stalker. well then you might just want to break up with her or she gets hurt more and remember lucas am a girl you can't hit me she said smirking. fuck she's right but I don't have to hurt her I just have to get Peyton to kick her little ass. doesn't mean I can't have your ass beaten I said smirking my famous smirk. her smirk dropped and she grab my face smashing her lips on mine. few seconds I was a little shocked that I couldn't pulled her away her lips felt wrong on mine. Lucas how could you I heard someone scream from behind me. I turned around and saw maya face foolish red with angry and tears rolling down her cheeks. no baby nothing happened I swear I said moving towards her but she backed up shaking her head. I saw what I saw am so fucking stupid in trusting you with my heart she said coldly not breaking eyes contact with me. please don't say that you know I well never hurt you like this believe me please maya I pleaded. she give me those sad eyes. she came closer and lean in my ear then whisper am giving her what she wants play along I saw it all Lucas. my heart beat, she still loves me. she pulled away shoving me hard. I hate you Lucas she scream. dam the girl is so fucking strong. with that she storm off. maya wait I scream after her playing along. she give me her attractive hair flap and kept walking. dam that girl is eating all my power up. see she doesn't care about you, look she couldn't trust that you didn't kiss me missy said. ooh lord only if she knew my baby still loves me. it doesn't even matter I said walking away to class. after history was over I was walking through the hallway looking for maya there I spotted her to her locker running her hands through her hair. I came behind her and whisper against the back of her neck. janitor closet now. she slowly turned around still giving me those ugly looks. and what makes you think I want to go anywhere with you asshole she said. I'm getting a little annoyed now. maya stop it I said. you can't tell me what to do she snap. this isn't funny anymore you know that I said hissing at her. she roll her eyes and hiss her teeth. with that I pulled my body away from hers. Lucas just play along okay she said. no I hate this idea I scream walking off. she scream my name twice but I kept walking. this whole idea was killing me, I can't touch her besides play break up. I pushed the door and walk outside through the wind. I got on my bike and pulled out of the school parking lot.

maya pov

when he walked away from me I felt everything in my body hurt. I close my locker and turn around to go to class but cody was standing there blocking me. hi there I said holding my book to my chest. he look down at me not smiling at me once. I take this as not a good thing. I can't take this anymore maya he said moving closer. my heart begins to beat what was he talking about?. I moved back a little. do what I ask a little confused. act like am happy at the fact he's with you, I can't do it anymore I love you he said. okay god please make all this a dream. a-am sorry I stutter. no your not allowed to say sorry, just fucking pick me for god sick he scream. I have never heard cody curse before so it scares me a little. I can't love you I love him your like a brother to me cody I said. he laughed deadly. ooh I see he's always better then me always gets the girls everything is about Lucas and Austin am so sick and tired of this bullshit he said. I touched his arms but he pulled it away. don't touch me, don't you even come near me he scream again walking off. I bite on my lips as my tears roll down my cheek. this was all just too much for me. I lost one of my best friend and my baby walk out on me too. I pulled my locker open and took out my bag. I can't stay in this school for another minute. I quickly close my locker and head out, I know riley well come looking for me. as I was walking I saw missy and group of girls coming towards me. good thing riley wasn't among them. I started to walk fast as I could but I was pushed hard on the ground. as I was about to get up someone pushed me back down. where you think your going bitch I heard missy said over me. I swallowed my spit trying to think. you think I was going to fall for your little act you put on in front of me she ask laughing. she never laugh happy laughs besides evil ones. w-what are you talking about I stutter. stop acting like you don't know what am talking about you worthless slut she snap slapping me hard on my cheek. all the girls were looking at me with sad eyes. i didn't care they all been doing this. this is what you get when you don't listen missy whisper with a wink then pulled away. beat the shit out of her she scream out to the girls. with that they all started throwing punishes and kick. the pain took over my body as I struggle to get up. let's go that's enough to make her stay home for about a month she scream again walking off. the girls stop and follow her. blood was dripping down my lips and blood stan was all over my face and shirt. I cried out in pain. what did I ever do to you god that your making me suffer like this I scream looking up at god. maya I heard someone scream my name. I look and saw Lucas looking at me shocked and then a tear slid down his face. he took out his phone to call the ambulance but I grab it. no don't call anyone just do me a favor stay away from me before she kills me for good I said. maya you know I can't do that he said trying to touch my cheek but I pulled back. no please just leave me alone I scream getting up this time with my feet shaking under me as I grab my bag and ran all the way home leaving him there. when I got home I open the door slamming it close and ran up in my bed room. locking the door and rest my back on the door sliding down the floor with tears running down my face. I cry until my eyes were getting tired. so I lay my head on the floor closing my eyes and hoping I could disappear and never come back.

author note

ooh my gosh we were in tears writing this chapter. so guys we are only writing this book to 20 chapters because we are working on something else. this chapter is just about cody finally expressing how he feels and of course missy picking on maya again. so do you think maya well every stand up for herself and who do you think she should pick cody the charming Australian boy who is a sweetheart? or mister bad boy who well do anything to save his princess he can be nice and sometimes bitter? so who are you again a laya or caya. leave your comments below and also vote love you guys bye. and hope you have fun during your weekend.

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