stay with me

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lucas pov
when maya run away I took no time but to follow her. when I got to her house I knock on the door for about 6 times no answer. I literally just pushed it hard and it open. Maya I call searching all around the living room no sound of her. Maya baby please don't do anything I scream again going up the stairs this time. she still didn't answer. I saw bedroom with her picture at the door wish means it's her room. I push the door looking around the room still no Maya. God dam it where can this girl be. I quickly pulled out my phone to call her but then I heard the water on in the bathroom making me run there. Maya are you in there I ask knocking on the door but no answer. I know your in there just open up I said again but all I heard was water. am coming in I said pushing hard on the door and it open to the worst picture in my life. she was laying on the floor as her blood surrounded her. I ran beside her kneeling down her level. Maya wake up please baby I said picking up her head in my lap. her body was cold. I took off my jacket covering her arms. you have to stay with me baby, you know I can't live without you I said letting my tears free. I quickly grab my phone calling one person I know that can help the police. hello 911 emergency how can we help you a lady voice rang through the phone. please help my girlfriend is unconscious I said stumbling through my words. give us the address and someone well be there in 5 seconds she said. I give her the address and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I felt water under me. looking back at the tube I saw the water was filled the tube. I turn off the water. what was she doing with the water anyways everything pop in my head she was going to drown herself. why did I have to let her go. I kneel down back over her. listen to me baby, I lost everyone in my life you're the only good thing in my life you have to stay with me I love you so much don't leave me alone here please am begging you I said pressing my lips on her forehead. I heard sirens as nurses ran up the stairs and put her on the hospital bed covering her face with the oxygen mask and ran out with her. are you a family member one nurse ask. yeah boyfriend I said. okay may we get your number just to keep you updated on her condition he said. I wrote my number on a white paper giving it to him. would you like to come with us another nurse ask. I have to do something first I said giving them a Half smile and walk outside then got on my bike. she was going to pay for this because everything it's her fault. I finally park my bike in the school driveway then got out and walk through school. everyone kept staring at me but didn't say a word to me. when i reach the lunch room. i saw her seating there all happy while my baby was dying, that just got me even more anger. i got to her table slapping my hands hard on the desk making her jumped in fear. are you fucking happy now huh, she went home and drown herself i scream in her face. everyone gasp in the lunch room with there eyes on us. w-what d-do you mean she stutter. ooh don't pulled the shit with me looking all innocent it's because of your ass she's laying down in the god dam hospital so tell me bitch are you happy that she tried taken her life away maybe she's even gone are you happy with you work i said again. she blink at me as tears slid down her face. i-i d-didn't m-mean i-it she said again. man don't hurt her i heard Austin said from behind me but i ignore him. you could have just left her alone but instead you made her feel worthless and now she might be gone you piece of shit, you of all the million people made her do that to herself i scream again. she started crying like some pathetic little bitch. bro yelling at her isn't going to help Maya Jake said from the other side. i lean closer to Missy as her lips being to shaved. i swear on my dead parents if she goes you go i said and with that i pulled back. Lucas i'm sorry she said standing up. your sorry? i ask laughing deadly, you weren't sorry when you beat her to death, you weren't sorry when you told her negative things about herself, you weren't sorry when she cut and strive herself to death but now your sorry? i ask again truing to her. she look down. take your sorry and shoved it up your ass but if she die Missy you better get ready for your hell because bitch i well make sure you go every day feeling nothing but worthless just the way you make her feel i said i walk out the door. Lucas where are you going Austin scream from behind me. non of your dam business i scream in angry as i slammed the door on it. i saw riley. where is she she scream ruing towards me. go ask Missy she knows i said walking out the door. i got back on my bike going to one place i can think of the woods. when i got there i got of my bike and walk through the trees. i remember when i brought her here first that was when i made the biggest mistake and slap her, god the look on her face was hopeless. i climb in one of the tree resting my head on the branches then close my eyes wishing all of this was just a dream, wishing i can wake up with her in my arms again. i open my eyes and saw a girl standing in a white dress there. are you okay up there she ask smiling up at me. who are you i ask. she climb up and sat down beside me. am your angle she said wiggling her eyebrows. ha-ha every funny i said but she didn't laugh with me. wait are you serious i ask looking at her. she nod. she had a black hair with big brown eyes. seriously don't play with me, i already had a terrible day don't add it up i said. your girlfriend cut deep and lost lot of blood she said. wait how on earth does she knows all that?. how did you know i ask. i told you am your angle she said moving her hair from her face. i took a deep breath trying not to freak out about this whole angle thing. do you really love her she ask. is that a trick question i said playing with my fingers. just answer my question she said. i love her till everything in me hurts i said. then do her a favor she said. i close my eyes again. what i ask. never stop hoping she said. i open my eyes but she wasn't there. that got me a little scared i got down and went back to my bike, got on it and drive back home. when i got home i open the door with my keys to my surprise all the guys were home in the living room. i close the door behind me running my hands in my hair. do you want to talk about it Austin ask. no i said going up stairs to my room. was this guy kidding right now?, why well i want to talk about how i watch the person i love drown in her own blood is just so uncomfortable to even talk about it. when i enter my room i lock the door behind me and drop myself on my bed. i just needed a sleep, something that can take me form all this. i took off my shoes and rub my cold hands over my face then took out my phone. the screen had her smiling big with that cute dimples, tear roll down my face. man am pathetic i can't even look at her picture without crying, isn't that just pathetic?. i put my phone on the night stand then close my eyes.

author note

aww poor lucas, it's painful to watch him like this. and guys just so you know we don't believe in ghost or angels the whole idea it's crazy lol. well let's talk about this chapter, this chapter was basically talking about Lucas point of view, and Missy finally apologizing for what she did to Maya but it's too late for her. so do you think Maya well make it?, well Missy finally stop what she's doing to Maya?, and who the hell was this angle?. leave your comments and votes. also check out p.s. i hate you, it's also a laya fiction, here is the description

meet Maya heart hunter the biggest pop star musician in the music business, she released 12 albums in 4 years and also the best actress known from 4 amazing movies. Maya is the most sweetest girl fell with innocents, she never break the rules, always nice to everyone around her. everything is prefect in her life, she has an amazing mother who encourage her to follow her dreams Kate heart hunter, and her father Shawn hunter who's also her manger, plus her twin brother josh they don't get along because he shows nothing but hate towards Maya. Maya also have tow amazing friends Riley Matthews who is an singer and farkel an actor. Maya thinks everyone in this world is always happy and sweet but when she meets her new guitar player Lucas friara he's the totally opposite , mean, rude and the most ignorant person, he's always anger at everyone. Lucas thinks of Maya as a spoiled brat that always get what she wants and Maya thinks of Lucas as the most meanest, rudest person she have every met. knowing Maya weakness he always use it against her to make her feel worthless and cry. these tow know they completely hate each other, but what they don't know is the more time they spent together the more there feelings for each other is growing stronger to love, wish they hate. well there be any love between them? or well there be nothing but hate?. follow these tow complete different people in their journey together full of pain, hurt, tears, laughter and maybe just maybe love. read to find out in P.S. i hate you. if your interested check it out now. it's out love you guys.

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