a Christmas with you

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maya pov

it's been tow days since I got here and things been great. I discovered each of these boys have something special about them. Bradley it's the funny one, jake is the one that act mature, Austin it's the one that's always act like a baby wish is cute, cody is like the father of the house he cook and make them clean, you should see when he's talking to them it's out of this world hilarious, and Lucas also act like a baby sometimes but he gets angry so fast. the boys got there Christmas tree and decorations yesterday I also helped cody with the Christmas cookies wish was hard because when you don't do it right he pretty much scream. me and Lucas are really close friends now, I can trust him with my life just not my heart, I also learn he and Austin are like married couple they get along so good just like the way jake, cody and Bradley get along with all the mean things they say to each other you can tell deep down they love each other. my iPod alarm ring waking me up. I look to my side and Lucas was sound asleep snoring softly so cute. what maya don't think of him like that he doesn't like you my brain Said. since I have no presents for any of them I had an idea. I got up slowly and tip toes in the kitchen. there house was fill with Christmas decorations and presents were under the Christmas tree. I open the cabinet and took out all the pancake ingredients. after the pancake was done I made it into Christmas tree shape. a Christmas tree shape pancakes. the boys was still sleeping. I went up and took a shower and wore the dress Lucas bought me then do my makeup and let my hair down my shoulder. I clean the kitchen and set the table. after doing everything I grab the jingle bell ringing it. wake up boys is Christmas morning I scream ringing the bell. I saw Cody coming down the stairs. what's up with you and Christmas he said in his cute Australian accent. well let's just say I love Christmas now go get clean up for breakfast I said waving him off. he roll his eyes then went back up the stairs. few minutes later all the boys came downstairs. merry Christmas sweetie Lucas said kissing my cheek. to you too I said smiling. ooh nice outfit Bradley said winking at me. well thanks, Lucas has a great taste in clothes I said smiling. you mean Lucas bought you that jake ask. yeah I said. wow you must be really special to him cody said with a sad face. hello am right here people, stop talking about me like am not alive Lucas said rolling his eyes. whatever man Austin said laughing. am sorry I don't have presents for any of you I said smiling sadly. hey it's fine we don't need presents to make this the best Christmas cody said rubbing my arms. yes we do Austin said. well in the case I have a present for all of you is just not raped up I said. what is it jake ask. is in the kitchen follow me I said walking to the kitchen as they follow behind me. a Christmas tree shape pancakes cody scream seating down in front a plat of pancakes. this is better then gifts Bradley said. and it taste great Austin said shoving pancake in his mouth. way better then cody's Lucas said with his mouth full of pancake. okay I admit it you cook way better then me Cody said stabbing his pancakes. well thanks guys am glad you like it because is all I got I said seating down. we love it jake said smiling. aren't you eating Lucas ask. the boys look up at me. no am okay I said. are you sure cody ask worried. yeah definitely I said smiling. well okay then they said going back to eating. I look at Lucas who was starting at me. what I ask. he just shook his head and look down. what was he thinking. after the boys were done eating I offered to clean the dashes but they didn't agree, what a gentleman's. okay guys present time Austin said excited. well I will be up stairs if you need me I said. aren't going to open your presents cody ask. she thought we didn't get her anything Bradley said laughing. that's not true I just um I said trying to make up a lie. yeah that's exactly what she thought Lucas said. ooh fine you got me but let's forget it and go okay I said walking in the living room. they all took a seat under the tree. I go first cody said giving everyone presents. I shake mine to guess what it was, but it had no sound. I quickly open it and found a sweater that was red with green stripe and it had Christmas tree on the front. awww I love it, thanks cody I said giving him a hug. that's the most ugliest sweater I have ever seen Bradley said laughing and the other boys laugh with him. I still love it I said pulling it over my head. now me jake said handing me my present. I shake it and it sounds havey. I open it and found a book. the lonesome young by Lucy connors I said reading the book title. sounds interesting I said going through the pages. yes I heard is a great book, it's like Romeo and Juliet almost like it but in that book they didn't die jake said. stop telling me your ruining the book for me I said rolling my eyes. oops am sorry dear he said covering his mouth. it's okay jake and thanks I said smiling at him. my turn Bradley said giving me his present. ooh let me guess what it is I said. I think it's something funny I said opening the box and found a whole album of ariana grande songs. how do you know I like her I ask happily. he's a stalker like Lucas Austin said. shut up mahone your the one that stalk Camilla all the time Bradley said. who's Camilla I ask. Austin dream girl Lucas said. awwww you have a crush I said putting my hands over my heart. expect Camilla thinks he's a huge jerk jake said. because he acts like one he's always making her run home crying with his bad boys words cody said. you guys talk about someone like they aren't there and he's right there Lucas said defending Austin. awwe the wife is defending his husband how cute Bradley said in a baby voice. why you gotta be so rude don't you know am a human too, am going to marry him anyways Lucas sing. by now I was dying with laughter. he's going to marry that boy, marry him anyways jake sing too. o-ooh m-my g-god s-stop y-your k-killing m-me I said through my laughter. ooh we can do better cody said.

anything girls do we can do it better

anything girls do we can do it better

yeah it's so whatever. Lucas sing in a girly voice. you can't do what girls do I said rolling my eyes. ooh yeah name one thing you girls can do and we can't do he said. um cooking, you can't even try I said smirking. that's because cooking is not for men he said smirking back. ooh yeah cory used to make me and riley breakfast every morning when topanga goes to work I said crossing my arms. that's different, the guy is old not 17 like some of us he said twisting his mouth up at me in the most cutest way. yeah just keep telling yourself that I said rolling my eyes again. okay my turn Austin said. I open his present fast and found a black lather jacket that had am awesome behind it with a heart on the side. I look at him serious. dude am not an emo I said. they all bust out laughing. I know your not but I figure that if your going to impress Lucas you need something like that Austin said wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes grabbing a pillow and throw it at him. what makes you think she likes him cody ask rising his eyebrows. um cody buddy are you okay jake ask. yeah off course am fine he said running his hands through his hair. well my turn Lucas said smiling as he give everyone there presents. I shake mine. it's a iPod I said excited as I open it but instead I found an iPhone 5. why did you get me this I ask looking up at him shocked and confused. well since you have nothing to call us I thought we could add you on our family plan so you can call us sometimes he said. you mean call you jake said laughing. shut up Lucas said showing him his middle finger. jake gasp and said how rude. I kiss his cheek. thanks friara I said smiling at him. okay so what are we doing next cody said ignoring me and Lucas. well we could stay here and sleep jake said. or we can go watch into the woods I said jumping up. maybe we could watch unbroken cody said giving me a death stare. in to the woods is great trust me you well love it I said smiling. not everyone likes what you likes he snapped. by now I was starting at him shocked. what's his problem first we were cool and joking around now he's all worked up and snapping at me for some reason. cody what's wrong with you Austin ask looking at him with an angry look. nothing is wrong with me am just saying the truth he said crossing his arms. you know if you don't want me here that's fine I can leave I said standing up. Lucas grab my arms and pulled me back on the couch. we want you here he's just angry for some reason but don't let that get to you he said pulling me in his arms. whatever Lucas cody said hissing his teeth. let's watch into the woods I always wanted to see that Bradley said smiling at me. yeah let's go jake said getting up. I guess they were all trying to ignoring what is happening. wait there's one more present for you maya Austin said handing me a little box. I open it and found a key. a key I ask. it's a key to this house, come here when ever you want, your part of our family now Lucas said looking at me. awwww thank you boys so much I said attacking them with a tight hug. nobody wants you here I heard cody mumble under his breath but only I heard it not the boys. I just ignore his words and try not to let it ruined my Christmas. the boys grab there jackets and we went to the movies that's how my Christmas went.

author note

hey guys. so this is our Christmas chapter because tomorrow we won't be able to update, it's Christmas and we will be so busy anyways here is what this chapter is about. it's basically about the boys opening up there home to maya they are showing her that she has friends and family now, but can you guess why cody is so angry when maya kissed Lucas on the cheek?. we well update soon, have a great Christmas and if your going to see in to the woods then we hope you enjoy it we are seen it too. remember to vote and Leave your comments. love you all.

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