Chapter Eleven

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-Mikey's POV-

When all the presents were opened and dinner was eaton we all decided it would be nice to just go to sleep. So as Cal and Ash and Luke went home James showed Harper and I where we would be sleeping as we were sharing a room. It turns out we would be staying in Harpers old room.

-Harper's POV-

As I walk in the room I look around and see that it hasn't changed at all. It was the exact same as how I left it. As I looked around I felt Mikey's huge arms make a cage around me. I turn around against him to see his face and before I had even fully turned around he was kissing me. It takes me a moment to realise what he is doing before I pull away. "I ...... what's wrong are you scared of them walking in? If so there was a lock on the door so I used it." As he said this Mikey seemed worried but all the worry had seeped it's way out of me so I just reached up and kissed him again. As I reached up he reached down and I lips collided with explosive force. I lean up and into him to deepen our kiss and then I sneakily bite his lower lip. The reaction I got was better than expected as he let out a low groan. He then leans in more and starts to open his mouth to mine. I allow him to open my mouth with his and then I feel his tounge search the inside of my mouth. As he does this I feel him tug lightly on the hem of my shirt and I let him take it off. He then takes his shirt off revealing his perfect chest.

-Brads POV-

As I lead Jac towards my room I realised what Mikey and Harper would be doing. It's up to them I thought and then carried on taking Jac to my room.

-Tris's POV-

Once Mikey, Harper, Brad and Jac had all gone upstairs I stayed down and talked with James for a little while. James told me about how Brad has a tendency to try stuff on with the girls. So I thought I would go check on them. As I went up the stairs I realised that I didn't know which room was Brad's. Instead of going back downstairs and asking James I decided I would just break down one of the doors. As I approached the nearest door I started to hear noises and thought that it was the right room. BANG and I was in looking at the most horrifying sight EVER! "JAMES!" Was all I could utter.

-James' POV-

"JAMES!" Was all I heard and I started running upstairs. "Shit Brad, control yourself," little did I know at the time that Tris hadn't walked in on Brad. As I reached Tris I realised why he had called me, in front of him was Harper and Mikey in a tangle of limbs and sheets.


Hey Charlie here I mostly wrote this chapter with a little bit of help from charley. I know this probably wasn't our best chapter but the next will be better. We will publish chapter twelve asap.

This is Charlie and charley sighing off :)

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