Chapter 1 - A New Me

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~ Quick important Key: ~

- Y/N = Your Name
- N/N =Your Nickname
- L/N = Your Last Name
- H/C = Hair Colour
- H/L = Hair Length
- F/C = Favourite Colour

These are the most Important but if i use more i will put what it means in brackets :) Anyway, On with the story.


It will always be there.

No matter what we do it will not go away.

Some accept death, even obsess, and are interested in what happens in the afterlife.

Others try to forget and move on.

I experienced death at a young age.

My parents divorced when I was 3 and my father soon died the next year.

No one was there for me.

No one cared.

Not even my own mother.

That is why I must move away.

I need to start a new life.

I need to have some happiness.

The black Jeep rolled along the pebbly road. The green blobs, that people called nature, were falling behind us. My head leaning against the window. The car shakes like an earthquake causing me to wake up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." My mother sang in a joyful tone to me. I don't even know why she was here. This was the chance for ME to get away, I bought a new house for ME to live in. I think she said something about wanting to make sure that the house was perfect for me and if the area was decent. Yeah like I haven't done that already because that is what you are meant to do when you move!!

Don't get me wrong, my mum is a good person, she can just be a bit overprotective and controlling. I guess I could use some help to get me set up but she could of just asked instead of forcing it on me.

"Hey mum, how much longer?" I groaned back, still a bit sleepy. I was out cold until she drove over a pothole.

"We are just a few miles away sweetie."

Ugh why does she call me those weird nicknames. I'm 21 for gods sake.

"Kay. You know mum, you really didn't have to come. I am moving in on my own." I don't know how this will get her to leave me be but it's worth a try.

"Nonsense darling!" Eh worth a shot. "I had to come, my little girl is growing up." She replied as she started to tear up. Oh my god honestly, I've been growing up since the day I was born. That's like the whole point of life.

"Mum it's fine really. I can take care of things myself." I replied starting to get agitated. "Thanks for everything but I-" I was cut off by my mother changing the subject. She needs to understand that I'm not a little girl anymore, I can take care of myself. But I guess that some parents never change..

"Oh look we are here!" She said pulling up in the driveway.

When I saw this house I knew it was perfect. It was an old, white Victorian house. Surprisingly very cheep, for how big the plot was. The last owners seemed in a rush to sell it, they were accepting any price. I thought it was odd at first but who cares? The house is now mine and I'm sure nothing will go wrong...

I lugged myself out of the vehicle with a loud satisfying crunch as my feet landed on the pebbly path. The blinding sun shone down on me as if I was a blessing of some sort. "Yeah that'd be nice. Maybe something good will happen for once" I mumbled to myself as I went to get my few bags out of the car.

"The moving van should be here soon darling" Mum stated.

"Okay thanks but this is kind of like my house so I do know that." I don't like being mean to her but someone has to put her in her place. Next minute I know, she will want to spend the night here.

"Okay Y/N I was just letting you know. Oh, and by the way, I was thinking that I should maybe stay here tonight to help you settle in and make sure that everything is sorted. "


"Uh mum you don't have to I will be perfectly fi-" I was cut off... Again.

"Don't be silly N/N! I already have my bags anyway." She innocently smiled back.

So this was her plan the whole time!? Well I can't send her back and she said she would help me get set up.

I sigh a response, "Fine, but only one night and you better help me move in properly."

And so we grabbed what have we had and started to head inside my new house. This is gonna be one heck of an adventure.

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