[5] Masked

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"How you feeling?" Roddy asked with a smile on his face

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"How you feeling?" Roddy asked with a smile on his face. "A lot better." Karin replied before giving him a hug. It has been days since and she almost forgot about the incident.

"I don't mean to put weight on your shoulders right now but..." His eyes trailed off, and he was unsure of how to put it. "What? What's wrong?"

"I remember your mama's necklace... I'm real sorry but it's..." Karin gritted her teeth in disbelief. "Is it lost?"

He remained silent, but he kept looking at her. "What the hell? Do you know how important that was to me?! Oh God."

"I don't think it's 'lost' I think it's 'stolen'. I'm sorry about that, Karin, for real. But we'll get it back for you, okay?" Roddy put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, but she shook it off. "They're gonna sell it, Roddy!"

She left him there on his own, and rushed up to her room in tears.


"Karin, what's wrong?" Lani entered the room seeing Karin with red eyes, staring into oblivion. She shook her head, still looking away from Lani.

"Karin." Lani sat on the edge of the bed. "... It's because of my mama's necklace. It was stolen."

"Hey, I understand how much it means to you... Or maybe I don't, but all I know is that we're gonna get it back. Roddy lost his drip, the cars he bought slash the cars he put money into and allat." She yawned stretching her arms.

"You'll be aight." Karin nodded at her words. "You're right. I should probably apologize for making him feel like it was his fault."

"...Yeah, start with that. But maybe tomorrow?" Lani suggested but Karin shook her head. "No, I'm going now."

"You do you, I'm going to sleep." Karina chuckled as she stood to leave. "Girl, it's four pm."


"Hey, sorry for how I acted. Y'all going through a lot worse than me." Karina looked down but Roddy just smiled. "And so? Ain't nobody fucking wit us, we'll get our shit back. Even if it means murder."

"That's what I like about you. We don't need no replacement." She flashed a smile.

"Fasho and you're coming with me." He led her to their SUV and when they were seated, Karin sat confused.

"Where are we going?" She asked. "Look. You were in your room crying you ass off fo almost an hour. In that time I did some research. I'm a smart ass nigga, so I got a photo of the nigga in charge and one of the masked members in case. I'm glad I did. Then I researched them."

"And? What did you find?" Karin asked with surprise playing on her face. "Turns out, there's a whole article on the deep web about them. Karin, what they're doing to us now, stealing our shit in the way that they did... They've done it in the past."

"So what are you saying?" All she cared about now was getting their stuff back, and where they were going. "We know exactly what they plan to do." Karin nodded, then slowed down he nods as she scrunched her face.

"This is great and all, honestly. But where are we going?" She chuckled. "Oh why didn't you just ask? Cuba."

"...Wait, Cuba?! But, what about the rest of the gang? We not going alone, are we?" It was his turn to chuckle. "Karin, we not going now. You gonna tour this city wit me, cause we ain't coming back in a long time."

"Okay, okay, this is a lot to process." She started rubbing her eyes and biting her lip because she didn't know how to react. "No time to process. We going tomorrow."


"...Lastly, I haven't told nobody about this place. I know it ain't no attraction, but you still have to see it." He smiled as he parked not too far from their destination. They got out of the car.

"Okay..." Karin imagined a simple, plain room with some important things and memories. But she was mistaken. "Okay... This is beautiful!"

"I've never seen anything like this before

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"I've never seen anything like this before... It's so much bigger than I thought." She smiled.

"I used to chill here a lot, I preferred staying lowkey." Roddy nodded. "We can chill here for the time being. Tomorrow, we leaving and we ain't turning back."


"Lani, Lani wake yo ass up." Roddy tapped her shoulder, then went to open the curtains. "Bro what the fuck?"

"Darse prisa. We going to Cuba." He left the room. "Uh, what does that even mean?" She yawned, shaking her head. "Wait. We going to Cuba?"

She got up, leaving the room excited and found everyone down in garage already, with necessities that they had left packed in a suitcase.

"Hurry yo ass up, Lani! We're going now!" Moe rolled his eyes chuckling.


"Tell me one thing." Lani folded her arms looking down at Roddy. "What?"

"Why must you always be around Karin?" She smirked but he shrugged her off. "Just sit down. You're the one always around Karin."

Lani rolled her eyes and sat down a row ahead next to Moe. "Y'all know I can hear you right?" Karin laughed.

After their private jet took off there was silence, mainly because Moe was asleep.

"I still can't believe any of this. Someone wake me up." She looked out the window in awe. "What do you mean?" Lani said turning back to look at her. "I was at my lowest, but now I'm chillin in a private jet, going to Cuba? Wake me up."

"Hey, this shit real. Vamos a Cuba por una razón. We getting our shit back." Roddy nodded.

"Speak English! No me gusta." Lani forced an accent causing them all to laugh.

"When did you learn Spanish? Could you teach me some?" Karin begged pulling at his arm.

"If we got time, maybe." He considered. The moment he stopped talking, Moe started snoring loudly. He had gotten too comfortable.

"Don, wake a nigga up please." Roddy face palmed and Karin and Lani giggled.


By the time they arrived, Roddy was the only one awake. "Well, I'm glad I brought this." He whispered to himself. He got out a megaphone and spoke into it.

"Wake the fuck up! We in Cuba!"


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