[13] Back to Square One

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Three weeks had passed since the accident and once everyone was reunited, surprisingly they were not too excited to see each other

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Three weeks had passed since the accident and once everyone was reunited, surprisingly they were not too excited to see each other. Everyone just went their own way and often disappeared to nearby parks and cafes to cool down.

No progress had been made. At this point, it looked like they should have given up, since they kept getting played and fooled. And it started looking impossible.

"I don't wanna talk right now." Karin shook her head, turning to walk away. Of course Roddy followed her here. "Wait."

"Listen, I just feel... Tired. Frustrated. Okay? Not now Roddy." Karin dismissed and continued walking but Roddy put a hand on her shoulder.

"Karin, I understand. This is frustrating but I promise you that this will all end, alright?" He spoke and she started tearing up. She's heard the same thing so many times.

"Fuck this, Roddy. You've said that so many fucking times! You should have never took me off the the streets, I don't care. I'd rather rot there, in all honesty. I'm done." Karin looked him in the eye with an unforgettable stare before running away.

Without hesitation, he ran after her. "Karin, the fuck?" He eventually caught up to Karin standing with her hands on her knees, panting.

"Stay... Away... From me." Karin narrowed her eyes at him. "Karin, I hope you know you can't just leave like that!"

"Yes I can! First, my dad kicks me out at sixteen, then I lose my mama's necklace, the gift she gave me at four when she was still alive, and now we here suffering, making no progress. What is there to live for? Should I be your minion until the day I die because you got me off the streets?" She turned and continued running without looking back.


"Hey young child, what are you doing there?" An old man sitting by a tree nearby called out.

"Oh, shit. Uh. You're not supposed to be here." Karin bit her lip while looking at him awkwardly. "...Are you trying to hang yourself?"

"...No." She gulped. "You are, aren't you." He sat up properly giving her a serious look.

"Why?" He asked and she shook her head, eyes spilling tears. "I'm not hanging myself!"

"Listen, okay? I'm a little old man. I've lived my life and there have been depressing times for me, my brother died when he was eleven. It still drags me down, but I'm still here." He smiled but Karin kept crying.

"And I know how that feels cause I've been through worse! You don't understand..." She started climbing the tree, trying to reach for a sturdy branch.

"You've got so much to live for. Why would you just throw it away?" He spoke as Karin managed to tie a rope she had previously bought on the branch.

"Because, no, I don't have anything to live for!" She shook her head. "My past is absolutely disgraceful."

"Then live your future. You have one, I don't. Why cut your life shorter when its already short?" He looked at her sympathetically. "Then what's the difference? It's still short both ways. You should go... I don't want you to see me."

"Holy shit, Karin! What are you doing?" Roddy again. "Fuck off, stop following me."

"I've told her all I know, young man." The old man looked between them concerned.

"Karin. Is that really what you wanted? To go out like that?" Roddy looked at her trying to hold back tears.

"Yes." She answered bluntly. "...Please excuse us. We'll be back soon." Roddy nodded at the old man and he nodded back.

"Us? Roddy, there is no us. I'm supposed to be dead, remember?" Karin rolled her eyes and Roddy ignored her, grabbing her arm and taking her deeper into the woods.

"Do you ever listen? At least leave me alone." Karin complained.

"Are you hearing yourself?" Roddy looked in her eyes and she raised a brow. "Loud and clear, nigga."

Roddy didn't pay attention to what she said, he wrapped his arms around her waist but Karin pushed him away as soon as he tried.

"Really? So you're gonna try that on me?" Karin laughed but Roddy's expression didn't change. "Karin, just listen for God's sake."

"What do you have to tell me that you haven't already? Huh?" Karin folded her arms and Roddy sighed.

"That I love you. And I'm not letting you commit suicide for any reason. But yo ass won't take me seriously." Roddy eyes trailed away.

"I'm sorry... I..." Karin stuttered and she began crying again, causing Roddy to feel uncomfortable.

She squeezed him tightly in a hug, then kissed him while undoing her buttons and then her bra. "...Here?" Roddy asked but she laid a finger on his lips while smirking.


"How many times do I have to tell you, nigga? I didn't fuck no girl. Its been what, three weeks and you still on my case." Moe shook his head and Donnell laughed.

"Aye... Y'all know where Karin is?" Lani yawned, looking away from her phone for a second.

"Prolly chill in a cafe." Donnell shrugged."


"Okay... Fuck." Karin bit her lip as Roddy moved his fingers in and out of her. "You aight?"

"Yea... Keep going please." She closed her eyes trying to hold in a moan. Roddy then began to suck on her clit causing her eyes to roll back in her head.

"Oh fuck!" She put her hand on his head while moaning uncontrollably, she had given up. "This pussy mine tho, right?" Roddy paused as he looked up at her hungrily. "...Not yet."


"Now?" Roddy smirked at her as she hissed. "...No, fuck."

"Damn, you tight as fuck." He groaned. "That's cause..." She gulped as he gave her deep strokes that brought both please and pain. "Cause what?"

"Uh, don't worry... Just. Don't stop." She gritted her teeth trying to avoid the question. "Fuck... So fucking big."

"What was that?" He asked smirking but she laughed awkwardly. "Nothing... I just said that you gonna pull off my wig."

"I'm pretty sure that's yo natural hair." He chuckled as he grabbed her tits. "Uh, yea. Right."


"Aight okay. I'm going to look for Karin." Lani got up. "Chill she's fine." Donnell sighed.

"Nah, she can't be in a cafe for three hours." She scrunched up her face anxiously. "And Roddy?"

"...I really don't know where they could be."


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