[14] Back to You

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"I'm back, hi, bye and see ya

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"I'm back, hi, bye and see ya." Karin flashed a smile at everyone before catching up with Roddy on the balcony. "Uh, really? Y'all been gone since yesterday. The fuck?" Lani looked up from her phone for a second.

"Why are you here?" Roddy asked without turning, just keeping his eyes on the sunset.

"...Why do you think?" Karin sat down and Roddy looked at her, clearly getting the wrong message. "I'm not doing that shit on a balcony, don't be dumb nigga. Look what I've got here."

Karin laid a canvas on the balcony floor, along with some paint and brushes nearby. "I only wanted to draw. I mean, this is my only chance before we back to the same old searching again."

"Since when could you draw?" Roddy asked intrigued. "Forever. I love art. Ask Lani! I've shown her one of my pieces and she liked it more than I did."

"Hey, could you draw me?" He nudged her and she tapped the end of her paint brush to her lip. "Hmm. Could you stay still for an hour?"

"What happened to pictures?" He chuckled and Karin rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Boring."

"Anyway, right now I'm painting the very art in front of me." Karin swiped som pink paint onto her canvas. "So, that's me, right?"

"No. The sunset, come on now." She rolled her eyes again as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. "I love you."

"Okay, yea I love you too, now let me go please!" Roddy's phone started ringing. "Hey? When did you get a new phone?"

"Just yesterday." Roddy was hesitant to answer the call because he wasn't sure who it was. "You gonna answer it?"

"Uh, yea." Answering the call, he listened for a voice while Karin continued painting. "Baby, te has dado una oportunidad."

"Marlen. Why the fuck are you calling me? What opportunity?" He sighed and Karin wrapped an arm around him sympathetically. "I hate her too, but we gotta listen to her... I can't believe I just said that."

"Una gran oportunidad. You have the chance to win your cars back. And everything else we stole." Her chuckle was enough to cause Roddy to murder someone. "What do you mean 'we'? Are you behind this shit?"

"I sure am, baby. Now, as I was saying, you have a chance to win you cars back. By winning a race with Fane." She laughed creepily this time. It sounded like spiders were crawling on her phone.

"Who's Fane?" He asked getting impatient and Karin rubbed his back in order to calm him down.

"You will see, if you go. I'll text you the address. Don't be early, don't be late. And don't worry, we've provided you with a good car. Same capabilities as Fane's. Adios!" She hung up, leaving Roddy to think in silence about the best choice.

"You're not going right?" Karin asked and he shook his head. "Oh, good cause-"

"I am." He stopped her. "And so are you." Karin looked at him frozen.

"What? You're really going to street race... After that accident we just had? And you want me to go with you?" Karin blinked and he nodded. "Don't you want this to end?"

He leaned closer looking in her eyes. "I'm sure you said you was the ride or die type."

"Uh, I never said... I just said that you'll see. Well... Okay fine. But don't kill us, okay?" Karin picked up a paint brush, and pretended that she was adding to the painting. "Damn. That looks so realistic."


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"Thanks. But one special thing is missing." She smiled at him. "Sign down here."

"Wait, you tryna get my autograph." He chuckled. "It ain't no autograph, my nigga. Just sign by my name."

"What are y'all still doing here?" Donnell stepped out on the balcony wearing basic lounge wear and sliders. "Moe and Lani asleep. I woke up to get some water. And y'all really here?"

"Uh, yeah we'll be leaving soon." Karin smiled waving him off. "Aight then I'm back to bed."

"I'm gone now then." Roddy stood up getting ready to leave, but Karina grabbed his arm. "Wait... Just a kiss on the cheek?"

"I don't do 'cheek' I ain't no kid." He nipped at her lower while allowing his arms to roam freely around her body.

"I still can't believe what I tried to do yesterday. And I'm just so sorry about what I said to you... I must have been out of my mind." Karin hugged him tightly, her face buried in his shoulder. "I'm just glad you here. That's all I care."


"So I did sum a lil dumb." Roddy confessed. "What?" Karin asked confused.

"I didn't wanna drive there so I called and Uber. Not the smartest idea." Roddy shrugged.

"Uh. Maybe we should get off not too far from the location?" Karin thought and he nodded, having no other choice. "Let's go."

"And where exactly?" Lani looked between them, her arms folded. "Its a long story, okay? Okay, its not long but it's important. We gotta go right now."

"If you guys get back tomorrow again, Ion know anymore." Lani turned and left.


"Hey... Wait, Naudia...?" Their Uber pulled up and they were met with Naudia as their Uber driver coincidently. "Roddy? And who's this?"

"Roddy, who is she? And how does she know you?" Karin asked shaking.

"Get in first and I'll explain. Then you'll explain who you are after." Naudia smiled reassuring but Karin didn't know whether to trust her or not.

Karin and Roddy sat in the car awkwardly and Naudia interrupted the silence. "So hi, I'm Naudia and I was the one who found Roddy and got him to the hospital after the car crash. I believe you were in it too? But I didn't see you."

"Yea, I was." She nodded resting her head on the window while looking at the night sky. "Oh. Just so it is clear, me and Roddy have never and will ever be in a relationship, don't worry."

"Uh, yeah, of course not." Roddy smiled a little awkwardly. "We just met."

"Oh okay." Karin nodded. "So what's up with y'all?" Naudia asked trying to create a different conversation. "Let's just say we've got somewhere important to go."


"Naudia, just drop us off here." Roddy insisted and Naudia nodded. "Sure. And see ya another time."

After walking for a good ten minutes, they approached on a empty road with many people standing on either side in a line. "Welcome, mi amor. Paris is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Where the fuck is this Fane nigga?" Roddy asked pushing Marlen aside. "Él viene, puta."

"How are you telling me not to be late and he is late himself-" Someone tapped Roddy's shoulder. "I'm here."

"Are you ready?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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