[6] Welcome to Cuba

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"I remember you asking when I learned Spanish

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"I remember you asking when I learned Spanish." Roddy turned to Karin and nodded as they walked down the pavement. "Yea..."

"I ain't fluent or any of that, I spent a few years here... With my former gang. There were just three of us, but when we came to Cuba, we merged into nine. They all knew how to speak Spanish. Yes, fluently." He explained.

"Oh, so how did you end up in Bronx?" Karin queried keeping her head down as they walked along. "Moved there because I didn't want to live a life like that no more. They were different. We'd never been caught once."

"Aren't you still living like that?" Lani asked, slipping into their convo. "In a way. But what we did back then... No matter how bad things get, I ain't doing it again."

"...Sounds real bad." Karin frowned. "But I see hope in you." She looked up at him smiling.

"Thanks." He flashed a smile back at her. "But anyway, I've never said this, but I got few a houses here in Cuba. One here in Havana, and one in Santiago de Cuba."

"Well, I can't wait to see." Donnell grinned. "Nor can I." Karin walked ahead.



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"Oh. My. God. That is not yours." Karin's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"It sure is." Roddy smiled and he was flattered by her reaction though he expected it. "No. It's too good to be true." Lani was almost in tears by its beauty.

"We'll been chillin here for the next... Ion know. Let's just go inside." Roddy yawned covering his mouth and opened the front door, entering, and the rest of them followed.

"I didn't think it could get any better... Damn, I certainly do not belong here." Karin sighed.

"You already know what I'm gonna say Karin." He laughed breathily, taking a seat at a table. He almost dozed off when his phone started ringing. "The fuck..." Roddy complained.

"Who's that?" Moe asked as Roddy pulled his phone out his pocket. "... I don't know. I don't recognize the number."

Though he was tired, he picked up the phone anyway, in case it was important. "...Yea, who this?" He sighed into the phone.

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