[9] Finders Keepers

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Roddy started the car ready to speed off

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Roddy started the car ready to speed off. "Wait! I've got something important to tell you." She started banging on the window.

"What the fuck do you want?" He growled at her. "Just drive!" Karin shook her head, eyes furrowed. "Listen! I know where your stuff is."

How does she even know that? "She's such a creep! I just wanna go back to Bronx. I'm done with her shit." She whispered.

"...No bullshit, aight?" He winded down the window, narrowing his eyes at her. "You'll have to come. To my house. O voy a cambiar de opinión."

"That's bullshit." Karin rolled her eyes, starting to lose her patience. "Fine. I change my mind."

"Hurry the fuck up and say yo shit." He hissed. "Hurry the fuck up and do what I asked." Marlen clapped.

"Roddy let's go." Just after she spoke, Marlen went to the side she sat in, and opened it before dragging away her by the arm.

"What the fuck? Let go!" Karin yelled and Roddy got out of the car immediately as Marlen took her inside. Exactly what she wanted. "Are you ready to listen now?"

"Get yo cursed hands off Karin." He tried to keep his composure, because he was sure he could have killed her there and then with his bare hands.

"...Take a seat." She let go of Karin and sat down. Karin and Roddy sat hesitantly.

"Your stuff is not here. It's back in New York. You were fooled."  She put on a convincing voice but truthfully she was telling nothing but lies.

Sending them to Cuba was part of their massive distraction. To buy time. Non of their stuff was in Cuba or New York. Roddy naturally didn't believe a word she said, no matter how much sense it made.

"How can we trust you after all that you've done?" Karin folded her arms. "Even you know that I know everything."

"Nah, you just a creepy ass hoe from Cuba." She whispered so that no one could hear. "Is that all you need to tell us?"

"What else should I say?" She asked, acting innocent. "Roddy, let's just go. For God's sake."

They stood up expecting to hear her speak against it, but she remained silent and watched them leave.


"Hey, I don't think this is a good idea, you know

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"Hey, I don't think this is a good idea, you know." Lani began to reconsider hooking up with Tysheem, the man that her and Karina met the other day on their girl's night. "Why's that?"

"I mean, I like you and allat but what about Karin?" She asked before he bit softly at her ear, then whispered into it. "She didn't even text. She's clearly not interested."

"How do you know that?" He let the question hang in the air, gently sucking on a spot behind her ear, causing her to giggle.

"...Stop that." Lani pushed his face away but he only smiled. "Okay, I'll stop that... And start this."

He leaned in so that he was inches away from her face and he captured her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth. She hummed as he wrapped and arm around her waist, and the other at her ass teasing her a little. He then moved it to her inner thigh, causing her to break the kiss.

"You know what? Forget this. What am I doing?" Lani sighed. She felt as if she hadn't been herself recently, but she didn't know what it was.

"Why?" He started pulling at her waistband but she slapped his hand. "Is that how you gonna be?"

He ignored her, rubbing her thigh and biting his lip. "Hello? I said I change my mind. Don't you ever listen?"

"We both know you wet as fuck. You clearly just playing with me." Tysheem pulled at her waist band again, moving her shorts down then he moved her underwear to the side, slipping his fingers in.

"Oh my God, don't do that!" Lani cried out but he just smirked, twisting and moving his fingers around in her. "You kinda lost this one. Shame."

Tysheem started moving his fingers in an up and down motion. She moaned unable to control herself, but this face he was making at her made her feel disgusted despite how good she felt.

Randomly, Lani's phone started ringing. "Pick it up." Tysheem smirked and she could tell her had bad intentions. "I can't."

He reached for the phone and gave it to her and she snatched it from his hand, growling. Picking up, she heard Karin voice. "Hey girl, where are you?"

Just as she was about speak, Tysheem slipped his fingers back into her, then moved his face not too far away. "Uh... I'm at..."

He continued moving his fingers in and out of her, then he began sucking on her clit. "Are you okay?" Karin was concerned to hear heavy breathing on the other side of the phone. "Yea, what are you talking about? Fuck..."

She covered her mouth just as the words slipped out and Tysheem chuckled. "Uh, Lani? Are you...? You know what? I think I'll call later." Karin hung up.

"Fuck you." Lani looked at him, pissed. "So... Are you tryna ride this shit or nah?"

Just like that, Lani got dressed, took her keys and left. At least Karina wouldn't have to suffer with him.


"But what if she's lying?" Karin, Moe, Donnell and Roddy were deep in an argument about whether they should go back to New York or stay in order to get their stuff.

"We don't know she's lying. But maybe we should go back to New York, because she may believe that we think she's lying and she might be telling the truth to deceive us, if that makes sense." Donnell nodded and Roddy nodded as well, taking it to consideration.

"I think I know what you're saying but we've barely looked enough around here. We should stay in Cuba first." Moe shrugged.

"Aight, let's just vote. Karin?" Roddy nodded at her. "New York."

"I'm obviously going with Cuba." Moe rolled his eyes. "New York. Our shit couldn't be here already." Donnell turned to look at Roddy. "And you?"

"Wait... Where's Lani?" Just as he finished his sentence, the front door opened and Lani walked in and joined them in the living room.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" She smiled, trying to ignore the flashbacks from what she'd just been through.

"You're just in time. Cuba or New York? We going or staying?" Roddy asked.

"Huh." She thought of Tysheem and how she didn't not want Karin to get involved with him. "Uh yeah, definitely New York."

"Looks like we heading back."


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