Endgame Part 2!

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Isabella POV

    We landed in a alley way, behind dad and the other four. They turned around to face us. I smiled sheepishly at them. Dad face turned a little red. "What are you doing here! It isn't safe!" He screamed at us "Were here to help!" Peter cheerfully said. Dad looked like he was about to say something but Uncle Tony interrupted him. "Cap, as much as I dont want them in danger. We need all the help we can get." Dad sighed before turning around. "Alright Peter you go with Bruce. Izzie you come with me." I nodded and watched Peter hop onto Uncle Bruce's green back. I moved with my dad as we made our way to the old Avenger tower. Dad had an ear piece on and suddenly said,"Got it. Head to the lobby." He grabbed my arm and we began our way to the lobby.

We had decided to take the elevator. Me and dad has somehow ended up in our suits. There was a bunch of people in the elevator, we had a hard time squeezing in. I stood beside my dad as people talked to him. I heard one man whisper to him,"Hey, Cap. " Dad nodded to him before staring forward. I saw one of the guys put his hand over his gun. 

I was about to talk but dad gave me a look that said shut up. "I just got a call from the secretary. Im going to be running point on the specter." The bald man turned to dad. "Sir, I dont understand." Dad looked behind him before turning back around. "What he means is, sorry but your going down." I stepped forwards and punched the bald guy right in the face. A fight broke out in the elevator. The big fat guy corned me and I kicked him in the shin before grabbing his face and kneeing him in the stomach. He tried to punch me but I grabbed his arm. I twisted it until I heard a snap. I rushed to grab the silver box. I gripped its handle tightly and kicked the guy who came near me, in the stomach. Soon they were all laying on the floor as the elevator. 

"I had that under control!" Dad scolded me. I smirked before handing him the silver box. "Relax dad, I got the box. Were fine." We head back to the lobby. As we walked in a class bridge we came face to face with my dad past self. My dad old self reached up to touch his ear piece." I have eyes on Loki. Hes with a little girl on floor 14th." Dad took the case from my hands and placed it on the floor. "Im not Loki." I butted in,"And im not a little girl!" Dad glared at me, well both dads did.

"I dont want to hurt you!" He said sternly but gently. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Dads old self rushed forward trying to hit dad with his shield. Dad managed to block. To make this easier for myself, Im calling past self dad Steve. I rushed forwards as they fought. I kicked Steve back that was turned to me. He fell the floor but was quick to be on his feet again. He kicked dad in the stomach, sending him flying back. I stepping into Steve's view. I pulled a gin out and pointed it at him," Dont make me use this!" I warned him. 

Before I knew it Steve had threw his shield at my legs and I was on the floor. The gun slide across the floor. Steve walked in front of me to face dad. Dad stood up and threw his shield at Steve. I shuffled to get to my feet and grab my gun. The two Steve's began to throw each other around. Dad managed to kick the glass. It broke and the specter fell to the ground. 14 feet below us.... 

I clicked the safety of my gun, about to shoot. The only problem was I could get a proper shot without possibly hitting the wrong dad. Both dad and Steve slipped and fell 14 feet below. I screamed and checked my watch. I had twenty minutes left with dad before I got to go find another stone. I looked around to figure out some way to make it to the floor without getting hurt. The only way down was the stairs or elevator. But I didn't have time for that. I looked around and saw a rope on the floor. I ran to grab it. I tied to the broken railing. I preceded to tie it to my waist.I stepped backwards before running and jumping. I screamed as air hit my face. Eventually I rolled onto the ground. I quickly untied the rope from my waist. 

By the time I had reached dad he had the specter held to Steve's chest. Steve fell to the floor. I walked to dad and helped him up. I looked at my dad lying on the floor. "Dang dad! You got a good butt!" Dad laughed at me before looking at his own butt. "That is America's ass."

 I laughed and walked away with dad.

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