Afterlife and funeral

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Isabella POV

     When I opened my eyes again I was by a lake. Nobody was around me. "Im glad I can see you again. Just maybe not so soon." I turned around and saw Aunt Nat. Hot tears fell from my eyes. "Aunt Nat!" I jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Your fathers are proud. I saw what you did. Your a hero, Isabella!" Aunt Nat whispered in my ear. I smiled into her should before frowning. "Wait. Where am I?" I pulled away from the hug. She smiled sadly at me. "You in the afterlife." I gasped. "You mean im dead!" She nodded her head sadly. I felt a burst of energy and I looked at my hands. They were blue.

"You know, Aunt Nat, only one life should have been sacrificed. I love you! Tell everyone that I love them too and ill always be looking down on them. Ill see you again soon." I pulled Aunt Nat into one last hug. Here eyes widened when I pulled away. "No, Isabella! Don't save me! Save yourself!" More tears fell out of my eyes. "Go live a happy life with Uncle Bruce. You saved me, so im gong to save you. Ill see you again someday!" I took out the soul Stone I had put in my pocket right after I snapped my fingers. I held it in my hands and used my powers. Suddenly Aunt Nat disappeared. I sighed sadly as the Stone left my hands. Ill see her again someday....

Third Person-Isabella Funeral

Isabella was surrounded by here loving family and friends. They held the funeral at Tony's house because she always did love there house. Even Morgan was there. Natasha stood at the front,"I saw Isabella in the afterlife. She saves me. She saved all of us. And I know shes watching down on us all. Right before she saved me she told me to tell you all, that she loved you. Shes not gone though. She'll always be right here." Natasha put her hand to her chest as a few tears rolled down her checks. Tony made his was up to the front with a projector. "I found this in my house, I thought you'd want to see this." He said and played the video.

It was Isabella sitting in Tony'd workshop. "I dont really know what to say, but I over heard dad talking about a possible war. I decided to make this video, in case I die. I just wanted to thank everyone for being there for me. I wanted to thank my three Aunts for caring for me and always helping me with girl stuff. I want to thank Uncle Tony for buying me whatever I wanted, even if it got me in trouble. I want to thank Uncle Thor for showing me whats beyond this world. I want to thank Uncle Clint and Laura. Even if I may not know Laura that much, she always cared for me. And Clint for helping me prank people and keeping my rape a secret. Yes, I was raped by HYDRA. I wanted to thank Peter for being a amazing brother. And thank you to anyone else who was there that I forgot to mention. And last but not least, thank you for my dad for giving me the life I always wanted. I love you all!" That was were the video ended.

It was safe to say Isabella is in peace, and had an amazing life. Even if it was short. 

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