virtual time

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Dana was murmuring by own "what to do next?" , "where should i live here ?" "Oh god why are you doing this to me ?"

Suddenly william came from washroom and after seeing dana he asked "why are you talking to yourself ? I am here then why you are not sharing your thoughts with me ?

Dana replied!
"No dada the thing is different , the thing is just ....
"Let it be na dada , nothing much i am okk"

William replied ok ! Anyways i forgot to tell you one good news "we got a place where you can stay here "

Really dada replied dana !

Yaa for sure and hopefully you like it, replied william.

Dana said i want to see where and how is the place ?

William said okk be ready we will go and check that out !

[ They both went for that place and dana really like it its a girls paying guest room with three other girls , Dana was really happy as what she wants she is getting all that stuff.]

Now william had to leave to his own house and leave dana on her own way .

You know what dana , i am really scared of leaving you alone like this but i know you will manage these things said william.

Miss you dana and call us regularly "we will miss you dana " said william .

{After these words william had a leave from dana, and went back to hometown .}

To be continued....

{ After this dana was going to start her new journey the "college days"}

{ We all know college days or college timing is really precious phase in our life so that for dana also }

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