Chapter 22

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Well today is the Winter Dance. And that's going to be the only thing anyone will be talking about, even Zharia. She might still try to get me to go with Marcel. I just think what's stopping me is that I haven't told him about Klaus's surprise calls and gifts.
Like even after he called me last night I saved his number, but of course I didn't put his name. I put the purple devil emoji in as his name. Like I feel bad about lying but Klaus isn't a bad guy. Marcel just hates him, for a reason he still hasn't told me.

Anyways since it's Friday I decided to wear gray sweat pants and a purple hoodie. It's Friday and we should relax.

"Hey, dad. I'm off to school." I said about to leave.

"Wait a second." Dad says catching me.

"Yeah. What's up,dad." I said

"When did you start having secret phone calls from Klaus?" Dad asks

Unexpectedly, at first I didn't know what to say.
"Now your spying on me?"I asked not wanting to answer his question.

"I'm not spying, I just have vamp hearing." Dad says

"And you can choose when you want to use it. I'ma go to school." I said trying to end this conversation

"If you like both your going to have to choose, sooner or later." Dad says catching my attention.

I just looked at him and left. Mostly because what he said was true. If I like them both. I know I care for one but I don't know about the other.

At School (in history class)

Mrs. David gave us an assignment that would mostly take the whole class. But honestly it's not that hard.
I'm working on the assignment and I see Zharia trying to get my attention.

"What?" I whispered.

"Look at your phone." She says.

A message pops on my phone

Zharia: I know you don't want to go to the dance but I think it would be great for you two to have some time with each other

Me: we have enough time with each other

Zharia: you guys really haven't since your birthday

Me: where is this all coming from,zhee

Zharia: don't tell Marcel I told you but he thinks something is up with you. He says you been acting different lately

Me: kinda true. But I'm going to have to tell you later

I get finished texting and I look up to see Mrs. David looking at both of us. I guess she knew we were texting the whole time. All I do is put it away because she hasn't said anything yet. And she doesn't. I guess she just wanted us to put our phones away.

Today for lunch I got Zharia to sit on the blenchers with me on the football field since little to no people are there.

"So why did you bring me here?" She asks

"I didn't want anyone to hear us or have Marcel walking in on this."

"What's going on?"Zharia just seemed so confused.


"What? Girl what are you talking about?" She asks

"Klaus has been calling me. He's the one who did that to Mr Donald and not my dad. He even sent me a birthday present, Zharia." I say

"And what's the issue?"

"Marcel can't find out because he hates him and I don't know why. If he finds out he'll be so upset. He'll think that I like Klaus or something and he won't talk to me for a week again." I say running on and on.

"So you think pushing Marcel away will make it better?" She asks still confused.

"I'm not pushing him away."

"You are, Tiana. And do you have feelings for Klaus?"

"Klaus is a nice guy." I said not knowing the answer to that question.

"Do you or do you not have feelings for him?" She asks again

"I don't know."

At Home

Lately my answers dealing with anything Klaus related is I don't know. My question is when will I know?

I just went straight home after school since everyone is going gaga over the Winter Dance. I got home and took a shower. Along shower. You know the type where you are thinking about life and what should you do. And what the future would be like. And sadly to say I have no idea what the future will be looking like for me.

I got out of the shower to a gift basket on my bed. I walk over to it and insteadly fall in love with all the candy and sweets that is in it. I see that there's a card too

It says:

Dear, Tiana

Even though you're not going to the dance doesn't mean you have to have a boring night. Relax and have fun.

Love, Klaus

It's sweet of him to do this but he needs to stop. The drawing, the bracelet and now this. Before I did anything else I texted him thank you. I just wonder how he knows everything and keeps sending me stuff.

After I get dressed and get relaxed, dad comes to the door.

"Marcel is here to see you." He says

"Oh my gosh. He should have called or something. Right now isn't time."

"So, you want me to tell him to go."he says making eye contact with the basket still sitting on my bed.
"He's sending you gift baskets now." Dad says connecting the dots in his head.

"Keep your voice down." I said getting up and touching the Side of his face. So we can talk with out Marcel hearing us. I connect our thoughts for us to hear each other. And I basically told him the thing, like I told Zharia. And he responded the same way. Asking me why hide it since I don't know if I like Klaus or not. Will I didn't think about it like that.

"Okay, I'll just tell him it's late and you're going to bed." He says.


I heard everything from him walking down the steps to when he told Marcel.

"She's going to bed right now so. You best be off " dad says

"Can't I just go up to her. I just want to talk to her." Marcel says

"No boys in her room." Dad says

"But she can go in boys room." Marcel says as a come back.

"Yup because I don't want to hear, whatever that goes down in there. Now bye." Dad says and closes the door.

Dad walks off and does something. I lay back down and turn on Netflix to find something to watch, while I eat some of the candy in the basket.

While watching my movie I hear clinging on my window. I look and see a rock hit my window. I walk over and look out the window to see Marcel still here.

"What are you doing? Your not in highschool." I said referring to him throwing rocks at my window.

"I called you and texted multiple times. We need to talk." Marcel says

"Not now Marcel please go home. We can talk tomorrow." I said

"Alright, good night." Marcel sounding upset.

I close my window and locks it for no more surprise anything to come in my room. Tonight was all about me and not stressing out about Marcel or Klaus. I'll just talk to Marcel tommorow.

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