Escape I

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Walking down a short hallway to the doors that lead outside to see if my moms here yet with matts arm around my shoulder obviously trying to get back together.

"Right Sarah?" He said side hugging me.

"Do I have to walk you back?" I replied

"Walk me back where Sarah?"

"To the friend zone you just tried to escape" matt stopped walking as I kept walking to the doors seeing that my mom wasn't here yet.I huffed and sat down next to the door my best friend Corbin came out of the side doors and sat next to my Matt still watching from the other end of the hall way.

"Hi Sarah you look sad"

"It hasn't been a very good day and Mrs.Kennedy isn't helping"

"That's why I'm out here Mrs.Kennedy. She yelled at me again for tripping." He leanes his head on the wall.

"Its not your fault she's making us do the worst dancing ever. I swear." You notice Matt's still watching "Corbin hug me" I start laughing and smiling as I hug Corbin.

"Why do you want me to hug you" I shh him under my breath still hugging him and smiling as I watch Matt's face turn beat red like he was going to explode.

"Matt's watching us so hold on" I pull back from the hug and watch Matt storm off.

"I hate that he was so mean to you! He was a jerk to you in you relationship! You deserve so much better then him!"

"He was fun sometimes I don't hate him you shouldn't hate him to Corbin. He's not a bad guy he just isn't all that nice." I hear my Sword Art Online messenger tone play off. I quickly take my phone out I stand. "Its Mama Corbin come on let her in with me."

"Yes Muffin" Corbin said jokingly as he stood to. He hugged me again seeing Matt looking around the corner.

"Its so much fun making him jealous Corbin your the best" I booped him and opened the door for my mom letting her in.

♦~♦ 5mins later♦~♦

"Hey Corbin" I said hi as I sat down next Corbin again "you okay?"

"I can't stand her! Mrs. Kennedy is so mean! There's so much disrespect!" I hugged him.

"Corbin its okay just because Mrs.Kennedy is immature and acts like a spoiled 7 year old brat dosnt mean you should let her and her immaturity get under your skin. It'd okay I get it." I looked at him after I finished. He nodded.

"Your right Sarah." He gave me a hug."Your right" Lira who was eavesdropping chimes in a loud voice so Mrs.Kennedy could hear along with Mr.Castle.

"Right. Mrs.Kennedy is mean and annoying I do agree. She dose act like  a spoiled immature little bratty seven year old." She concluded and winked at me. Corbin was so surprised.

"You've got guts lira" he finally said. As he let go of our hug. After lira left I spoke to Corbin.


"Yeah Sarah" Matt walked back stage and wrapped his arm around my shoulder again making Corbin stiffen agian and me frown.

"Hi Corbin mind of I steal her for a second" I tried sending Corbin 'no's' with my eyes.

"Not at all matt" matt turned at that and started walking away with my tucked into his arm him this time having a harder grasp.

"Matt I was talking Corbin that was very rude" I huffed at him.

"And I need to talk to you" he walked me out into the side hall way through the side door.

"Can I please get back to my conversation with Corbin? Your not my top priority Matt. I have other friends." Matt turned and looked down at me taking both of my hands in his grasp.

"I still love you Sarah I can't get over you." He spoke softly."I know its been a month but I can stop thinking about you. I can't get over your kiss. Or your laugh. Or your insanely addicting smile. Or your joyful hugs. Or how happy you are all time." He paused for a moment. Don't fall for it Sarah don't get back into his little games and twists and turns and his corners and his meaness don't do it. You deserve better then him. You don't love him anymore. He took a breath a began agian after my little voice scolded me. "I cry every time I think of the time you broke up with me and I can't hold back the tears. Sarah I lo-" I put a finger to his lips.

"No. You still may love me. But when you think of how I broke up with you because of your mistake. Which one do you think of. If I'm so perfect why would you play games blaming me and treating me wrong. Matt no I'm not getting back together with you. You'll get over me soon. Be lucky I'm being the better person and still being your friend. I don't have to. I could be that ex that you don't talk to anymore. That blows off your messages. And blames you for everything. I know I was perfect to you but in really not so I'm not going to blame you." I yank both of my hands back. "I'm going back to my conversation" and with that I turned around opened the side door and went straight to Corbin. And sat down.

"Hey again that took a bit." I turned to him quickly.

"I have a favor to ask you Corbin."

"Sure what's up"

"Will you pretend to be my boyfriend? Just in front of Matt. I mean  we've been friends for such s long time it won't hurt to act like where together around Matt. Please!"

Will he accept? Do you think so? Obviously Matt and Corbin have a problem but can you comment and guess what it is? And dose Corbin have a thing for Sarah? What was Sarah going to ask Corbin before Matt rudely Interrupted? Also what's your take on Mrs.Kennedy? A mean teacher with no respect for kids. Let's see them all again in the next chapter of The Escape.

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