Escapes E

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"Shhhh" Mary whispered from behind me laughing. Pushing her blond brown curly hair out of the way of her face. "She will know where talking and passing notes" we were allowed to pass notes as long as it wasn't durning a test. Or anything we needed to find out ourselves.

"Alright but stop laughing sheep" sheep was my nickname for Mary. It was lamb for awhile. But then she did a baa one day so I've called her sheep ever since. Jada with her blond hair and craziness came skipping over.

"Aye wanna work together on this cuz like whacha beeeeee doinnnnnn?" She talks like this to be dumb sometimes.

"Sure Jada just don't make Mary laugh she can't stop" a nod from Jada let's me know I've rested my case. Marys laugh attack still continues. Jada takes a sit behind Mary. She sits in April Jane's seat. You know it got real because I added her last name.

April May Jane was the rich girl who got anything she wanted. It was almost just like those movies. But April was a crew of her own. She didn't need a 'Crew' a 'Team' or a 'gang' to be the worst. Poor little rich girl. The backstabber had a taste of her medicine. But Jada didn't mean it. April Jane had sharped her pencil. When she got back she had the blond 'dumb' one in her seat. But if Jada was dumb why was she in Advanced English. Me Mary and Jada were the top of the class. Above the Advanced. April Jane hated this. She got in by a half a point. The stuff in the class was to hard for her. She was like a brown haired brown eyed Draco Malfoy. But she would never be as cool or as cute as Draco.

"Get out of my seat you dumb blond" April looked disgusted. But Jada had seen what she did so she twirled her hair around her finger and looked dumb.

"Like oh my goddd did you hear what Tiffany did like oh my godddddd" she started checking her nails like she was preppy. Mrs. W was allowing to happen. Probably till it broke out into a fight. But it never did. Poor little rich girl huffed and sat some where else. We all high fived.

"Good one Jada!" Mary had stopped dying and hugged Jada. "That was so cool!! I wish I had the nerve to do that!"

"Mary you don't have enough nerve to sleep with the light off" Jada started dying from my remark.

"Yeh I do! Gosh! That was 6th grade!" Jada kept laughing. I scoffed.

"You do know Mary that was last year" she gave me a frowny face in return. I patted her head. "Its ok sheep. We understand your phobia" another frown. The last hour bell rang Mondays bell rang I grabbed my bag. "Bye sheep! Jada meet me at the theater!" Nods from them I walked out of the classroom and right across the hall to my locker. 67-12-5 I opened my locker Ivan had a bottom locker I had a top.

"Lucky!" He said it every day. Ivan had brown wavy hair that was flat to his head. "Its your Bully Best Friend Forever!" He reached his arms out for a hug I set down my bag and gave him one.

"Your locker is so messy Ivan." I scold him.

"Yeah yeah yours is spotless" I never really use my locker so it is spotless. Just for a coat and that's about it. "Ok I take that back it is spotless"

"Mmhmm" I nod "its so I don't lose stuff. I'm responsible. Unlike my BBFF" he huffed and went back to his bottom locker. But he poked my knee first. I giggled my knees were very tickles long with my thighs and sides of my stomach "not fair! Your using my ticklishness against me!"

"I'm a bully aren't I?" He stepped on my foot the first day of school that's how's he got the nickname.

"Ivannn!" I poked his head. "I'm gonna boop you"

"Nuuuuu! Never!" He grabbed his bag and slammed his locker. "Give me a hug before I run away from you" I gave him a hug and he went to the bus "bye Sarah!"

"Byeee" I waved back a brown curl landed in my face. I flipped my hair so it would move I got my bag and went to the theater. First one in yet agian yes! I turn on the lights and when to the first seat way down in the front. On the left side. Right from stage angle.

"Boo" Marcus popped out an eerie scream came from me and he covered my mouth. "Shhh your gonna make my head worse. Be quite"

After that we just got to practice. Not a thing really happened.

Marshfellows! Hello! Goodbye/night!

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